The Authority of the Spirit, Prophecy, and Scripture

Many evangelical Christians make a distinction between how the Spirit “illuminates” Scripture and “inspires” Scripture (e.g., theologians Millard Erickson and Larry Hart). But the distinction is problematic. The common idea is that when the Spirit inspired the Scripture long ago, it is not the same as and does not have the same authority as when […]

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

I recently presented on the topic of “The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit.” It was part of a Horizon College & Seminary faculty panel on the topic, “Revival and Awakenings.” In my presentation, I explained that even though God is omnipresent and God does not change, the presence of God in the Holy Spirit can become more […]

When God Speaks Through Dreams…

I had a dream last night that I think was probably from God. No, I’m not going to tell you the content, but I do want to give some theological reflection on the experience and how we might respond to such dreams. For some people, a claim that God has spoken through a dream seems […]

Experiencing the Holy Spirit in Corporate Worship Services

This is an important one for any pastor, worship leader, and others who have a leadership role for corporate worship services. In this video I interview Dr. Josh Samuel from Master’s College & Seminary in Ontario, Canada. A fair amount of our discussion focused on how we can facilitate authentic experiences of the Holy Spirit in corporate worship.

Plead the Blood: Questions about a New Song by Cody Carnes, Brandon Lake, and Chris Davenport

Plead the blood lyrics

Have you heard the new song sung by Chris Davenport, Brandon Lake, and Cody Carnes? It’s called “Plead the blood.” You can take a look at the lyrics here. Here is another song that many people will love to listen to over and over again…even though some aspects of it seem biblically problematic. What’s on […]

FREE Seminary Event + New MA and MDiv programs

Next Wednesday, May 17, Horizon Seminary is hosing a FREE event (online or in person):Faculty Sharing: Hear the Heart Behind the CoursesI invite you to listen in as our Faculty share about the upcoming courses and their passion behind them. I also want to note that Horizon College & Seminary is adding to our current graduate programs, two NEW PROGRAMS…

The Secret to Reclaiming the Blessing of God


Sometimes I hesitate to call myself “blessed.” I wonder, “if I am blessed because I have something, then what about those who don’t have the same thing? Does that mean God has not blessed them?” It makes me feel a little guilty. Furthermore, the idea of being “blessed” is sometimes associated with prosperity gospel teaching, […]

Comments on “Essential Truths: The PAOC Statement of Essential Truths Commentary”

The PAOC has now published a commentary on its relatively new (May 2022) Statement of Essential Truths (SOET). Each chapter in the commentary covers one of the seven sections of the SOET. Much like a commentary on the Bible, the chapters explain the wording in each sentence of the SOET. In addition, the chapters give some sense […]