Possible Book Topics

I’m thinking about writing a book called “Things People in North America Don’t Want to Hear” or “Things Christians Pretend Don’t Matter.” Here are the potential chapters/topics I was thinking about covering:

  • We are supposed to look after our bodies
  • Life if not all about you
  • People Die because of your Greed
  • Don’t Buy so much Stuff
  • Everyone is not going to heaven
  • Your TV is killing your morals

Does anyone have any other ideas of topics that should be covered for a book like this?

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4 thoughts on “Possible Book Topics

  1. Isaiah says:

    People Die because of your Greed (subtitled:You’re filthy rich too!)
    Don’t Buy so much Stuff (subtitled: Don’t buy MOST of the stuff you buy – it’s not worth it and you don’t need it)
    Everyone is not going to heaven (subtitled: Do you know what heaven is?)
    Your TV is killing your morals (subtitled: And is also turning you into mindless drones, stealing your time, degrading your mind, making your relationships shallow and a whole other set of very negative things)
    Life is hard (subtitled: and running away from this makes others lives harder)

  2. Jacqueline says:

    How about YES God cares about how you spend your time, money and your behaviour EVEN IF it doesnt affect your relationship with him…

  3. Jesse says:

    a chapter on taking life more seriously, entitled something like “You Have Way Too Much Fun: Less Rockband and More Learning, Ministering, Studying, Listening, etc.”

    …something like that…

  4. Nathan says:

    The Meeting House is doing a series similar to this right now called “Get Over Yourself: Rebelling Against The Culture of Narcissism”
    They are covering:
    Self-Esteem: The Culture of Me
    Technology: The Culture of i
    Appearance: The Culture of Hot
    Materialism: The Culture of Mine
    Entitlement: The Culture of Being Special
    Religion & Spirituality: The Culture of Belief