I’m pleased to announce the publication of my next book:
Gabriel, Andrew K. Barth’s Doctrine of Creation: Creation, Nature, Jesus, and the Trinity. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014.
On the Amazon USA site, you can view the table of contents, cover, and inside the book here.
For those not in the USA, the book is also available on Amazon Canada (here), UK (here), and Germany (here).
For a Kindle edition of the book, see here.
“In this short but lucid work, Gabriel traces with insight and care the key contours of the doctrine of creation in the work of Karl Barth and engages thoughtfully with the principal lines of criticism it has encountered. The result is an excellent introduction to Barth’s understanding of creation, evidencing both its doctrinal sophistication and its continuing significance.”
—Paul T. Nimmo, University of Aberdeen
“In this small book Andrew Gabriel accomplishes two large tasks. First, he provides an account of a neglected topic in Barth’s Church Dogmatics: the doctrine of creation. Gabriel sets the doctrine within the context of Barth’s theology, interacts insightfully with Barth’s critics, and sorts out the strengths and weaknesses of Barth’s doctrine. Second, Gabriel exposits some ways Barth’s doctrine may contribute to the developing conversation on the doctrine of creation that the church so desperately needs to proclaim to our world today.”
—Jonathan R. Wilson, Carey Theological College
“Instructively dealing with various critiques of Barth’s doctrine, Gabriel judiciously responds by stressing the need for a more developed pneumatological emphasis that upholds both the distinction of God from creation and the relation of God to creation in and through Jesus Christ, in whom we know the covenant really was and is the internal basis of creation itself. This is a book very much worth reading and discussing.”
—Paul D. Molnar, St. John’s University
“In this thoughtful investigation Andrew Gabriel explains and proves Karl Barth’s doctrine of creation. He agrees with his christological interpretation of the creation, but shows, too, that it is open for further understanding in a full Trinitarian sense. It is worthwhile to read this interesting book that is important for ecumenical discussions.”
—Eberhard Busch, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Congratulations, Andrew! I’ll look forward to reading it. My Barth reading group is in CD 3.1 right now so this is timely!
Great job, Andrew! Congrats!