For those who aren’t familiar with Googlebooks, this page allows users a limited viewing (that is, you can’t see every page, but you can still see lots…even whole chapters) of thousands of books for FREE online.
Barth’s Doctrine of Creation: Creation, Nature, Jesus, and the Trinity
-And if you prefer the hard copy, see here
The Lord is the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Divine Attributes. Both links below have a different cover than the North American publication, but same content and same page numbers.
-And if you prefer the hard copy, see here
The book I co-authored on Johannine Literature called Johannine Writings and Apocalyptic has been available on Googlebooks (see here) since the time it was published, which is good, because not too many people (other than academic libraries) are going to want to spend the money to buy a hard copy!
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