Days of Elijah? What Does that Song Mean?

00002033On the odd occasion my theology class discusses the theology of worship songs. Yesterday a student asked me about the song Days of Elijah, wondering if it seemed to be okay theologically since one church objected to him singing the song. I imagine many people have wondered about this, but even more so what on earth the song means :).

The song seems fine to me. I found an explanation of the meaning of the song as it was intended by the author (Robin Mark) and a cursory look at it makes it clear that he intended the song to be typological (a type of metaphor), which is how I have interpreted it. Too bad the writers of the biblical books didn’t write letters to explain their authorial intent for us :).

I also looked around online to see what concerns other people might have regarding this song. One fellow is concerned that, “Most of the contemporary Christian songs have a beat that is not conducive to worship in my opinion.” So there.

Besides that, I found a few people (like this guy’s blog and the comments below) who noted a few concerns, but their concerns only apply to the song if one takes the song literally…and, as noted above, the song is not meant to be taken literally.

If anything, this little investigation has illustrated that it important for leaders to explain the meaning of songs to their congregations, especially if it seems like “an unusual song” (the words of Robin Mark about his own song).

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4 thoughts on “Days of Elijah? What Does that Song Mean?

  1. BallBounces says:

    It’s a great song of restoration and renewal. But worship context is important. I tried singing it in an Anglican BCP morning prayer setting and it was clearly out of place.

  2. Apryl Leonard says:

    Thank you and very well put.

  3. J says:

    In what possible context could the phrase “And these are the days of Your servant, David
    Rebuilding the temple of praise” be true? David did not build the temple, typologically or in any other way. This song reflects the Biblical Illiteracy of modern popular Christianity. Those calling themselves Christians today lack discernment. If I’m wrong, please site the verse. That is not the only example in this song, just one of the most glaring.

    • Andrew Gabriel says:

      The song writer has already explained what he meant by his reference to David and the temple, so I will refer you back to that link again: