Where to Read Theology Online

On a couple occasions I’ve been asked about where one might read good theology online.

Roger Olson’s Blog: This is the (only)  blog that I read most regularly. He is an evangelical Baptist, a former Pentecostal, and a significant voice for Arminian theology in the evangelical world. He writes on theological topics like, John Piper’s Christian Hedonism, but also writes on ministry issues, like complacency in churches.

Zondervan’s Koinonia Blog: I don’t find most entries that interesting, but their blog series called “common places” gives very helpful and concise updates on recent developments in theology. Most of their blog entries contain excerpts from recently published books. You can sign up to receive blog updates on the right side of the web page where it says “Get Your Free eBook.”

I’ve also signed up for the Christianity Today Weekly Newsletter. It usually has an article or two I’m interested in, though not necessarily theological.

Aside from blogs, I highly recommend you sign up for updates from the Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity (register here and check the box “Notified by email on publication of an issue of the journal”). It is published annually and I always find the content of this journal interesting. Unlike many academic journals, the content is completely FREE.

Although I’ve only read a few articles from here, many readers here would also likely be interested in signing up to be notified when a new issue of Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry is released (published by the Assemblies of God).

Also, if you haven’t already done so, you can always sign up to be notified when I post a new blog entry 🙂 (see the top of this page, on the right).

When I’m not reading, I have also very much enjoyed the Seedbed YouTube channel, which regularly adds new videos to their series called Seven Minute Seminary. The series primarily highlights scholars from the Wesleyan tradition (aka non-Calvinists), including Pentecostals like Frank Macchia (see his reflections on Prosperity Theology here).

Finally, while reading theology online is fun, I also suggest you consider getting an actual book in theology and reading through it. If you don’t feel you have enough time, perhaps you can save a little time from your online reading for reading a theology book a few pages at a time.

Do you have any suggestions from where you like to read theology online? Please comment below.


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3 thoughts on “Where to Read Theology Online

  1. Craig Benno says:

    While not exactly a theological blog. I like Dave Blacks non blog. http://www.daveblackonline.com/blog.htm

  2. R.J. says:

    Patrick has your blog link on his blog page, and I remember enjoying you for the week you were at Manhattan Beach Camp. He’s a good read, as are you!