My Two New Publications on the Holy Spirit

jptThis past week I received a publication notice for my article, “The Holy Spirit and Eschatology—with Implications for Ministry and the Doctrine of Spirit Baptism,” in the Journal of Pentecostal Theology (vol. 25.2, 2016, pages 203-221).

In the article I first outline the biblical connection between the Holy Spirit and eschatology, I then explain how this can shape one’s understanding of Spirit-empowered ministry and Spirit-inspired hope, and finally I argue that the eschatological nature of Pentecost (Acts 2:17, “in the last days”) means that Spirit baptism must be understood in light of more than just the book of Acts, but rather in light of all of the Old Testament’s eschatological expectations regarding the coming of the Spirit and their fulfillment as understood throughout the New Testament.

Unfortunately, due to contract stipulations, I am unable to post the journal article on my blog.

9781451488869_0Yesterday I received my copy of Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics (Fortress Academic, 2016), edited by Myk Habets.

The book is filled with essays by authors from a variety of Christian denominations, including a handful of Pentecostals, that engage all areas of systematic theology from the perspective of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (hence, “pneumatological dogmatics”).

My essay in the book (chapter 3), “Pneumatological Insights for the Attributes of the Divine Loving,” continues the work I began in my book The Lord is the Spirit by further exploring how the Christian understanding of the Holy Spirit should shape how one understands the attributes of God.

You can read my essay in full on googlebooks here.


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3 thoughts on “My Two New Publications on the Holy Spirit

  1. ifaqtheology says:

    Congratulations! I look forward to reading both of these essays. I am especially interested in your take on the eschatological dimensions of the Spirit’s work.