If you’re interested in a longer reflection on this topic, you might listen to an hour-long talk I did on this previously, which I have posted here.
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You might also be interested in these posts:
- LGBTQ+ (Part 2): Pentecostal Reflections on Gender Identity and Being Transgender
- LGBTQ+ (Part 1): Pentecostal Reflections on Sexual Orientation
- MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying): Pentecostal Perspectives

Very thoughtful post. This topic and similar sexuality issues, will be one of the most important societal issues, in our, and next generation.
Excellent article we are here to love not to judge. We have show kindness to everyone. Kindness is love in action.
I am a Christian who has transitioned from male to female.I have been born again baptised in the spirit and have always been Pentecostal.
I live a celibate life, not sure about same gender marriage and dislike trans labelling along side queer.
Tackling gender issues is tough and I know God gave me the determination and grace to get through.
The church needs wisdom to build up rather than trying to dismantle a persons desire to change gender.
Knowing Gods love, acceptance and approval resisting the devils tactics in bringing condemnation concerning something so precious and wonderful.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Hallelujah.