How Should non-Trans Christians Respond to Transgender and Queer People?

In this short video, I share some thoughts on how non-trans Christians should respond to transgender and queer people. I hope you find it helpful.

If you’re interested in a longer reflection on this topic, you might listen to an hour-long talk I did on this previously, which I have posted here.

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Andrew GabrielAndrew K. Gabriel, Ph.D., is the author of Simply Spirit-Filled: Experiencing God in the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit as well as three academic books, including The Lord is the Spirit. He is a theology professor at Horizon College and Seminary and serves on the Theological Study Commission for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. You can follow him on Facebook or on Twitter.

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3 thoughts on “How Should non-Trans Christians Respond to Transgender and Queer People?

  1. Ronald Sprentz says:

    Very thoughtful post. This topic and similar sexuality issues, will be one of the most important societal issues, in our, and next generation.

  2. David Smith says:

    Excellent article we are here to love not to judge. We have show kindness to everyone. Kindness is love in action.

  3. Carla Webb says:

    I am a Christian who has transitioned from male to female.I have been born again baptised in the spirit and have always been Pentecostal.
    I live a celibate life, not sure about same gender marriage and dislike trans labelling along side queer.
    Tackling gender issues is tough and I know God gave me the determination and grace to get through.
    The church needs wisdom to build up rather than trying to dismantle a persons desire to change gender.
    Knowing Gods love, acceptance and approval resisting the devils tactics in bringing condemnation concerning something so precious and wonderful.
    Jesus Christ is Lord. Hallelujah.