The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

I recently presented on the topic of The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. It was part of a Horizon Seminary event with the topic, “Why Does the Bible Matter? The Transformative Impact of the Scriptures.” In my presentation, I emphasized the need for a “deep view of Scripture” (in comparison to a low or high view of Scripture).

Disability Theology and Pentecostalism

Amos Yong Disability Theology

In today’s video, I interview Dr. Amos Yong from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. I ask him about key themes in disability theology and how disability theology might speak to Pentecostalism.

Psalms for Divine Protection from COVID-19

Psalms COVID

The Psalms have gained prominence among Christians since the rise of COVID-19. Psalm 91 has been particularly popular. This is understandable given that it speaks of how God will save you “from the deadly disease” (v. 3, NLT), and the assurance that “pestilence” and “plague” (v. 6, NIV) “will not come near you” (v. 7). How are we to interpret such claims […]

10 Bible Verses You Can Legitimately Declare Over Your Life

declare bible truths

In a previous post I wrote that Christians should not be declaring and decreeing things over their lives. While I did give some specific examples of the types of declarations I had in mind, some people responded to me rightly noting that there are some cases where Christians can legitimately declare certain biblical truths over their lives. I agree. I am, nevertheless, concerned that […]

Resources on the Meaning of Pentecost and Spirit Baptism

Holy Spirit Dove

About a year ago, I wrote a post, “Should Pentecostals talk about the Spirit on Pentecost Sunday?” Given that Pentecost Sunday is approaching soon, I thought I would put together a list of links to some of my resources that address Pentecost specifically as well as the closely related topic of Spirit baptism. Blog posts: […]

The Holy Spirit is not a “He”

Holy Spirit Gender

I cringed as I sat there listening to the preacher. The preacher declared, “The Spirit is a ‘him’, and ‘he’ lives in you.” And on account of this he boldly proclaimed to the congregation, “The Holy Spirit is a ‘he,’ not an ‘it.’ Therefore the Holy Spirit is personal.” The preacher was both right and wrong […]

What it Really Means to be BAPTIZED IN FIRE

what baptism in fire means and symbolizes

I’m not talking about “fire tunnels,” where people walk in between two lines of people who place their hands on them and pray for them. Instead, I’m talking about when John the Baptist says Jesus “will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16). What does this mean?

What Jesus Really Says about GREAT FAITH

In response to my post “Why are Some People Not Healed?”, someone inquired regarding Jesus’s references to “great faith.” This entry addresses that comment. The Bible only records two instances when Jesus commends people for their “great faith.” In one story, a Roman centurion asks Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant, who was “suffering terribly” (Matthew 8:6). […]

The Fourth Blood Moon Happens this Sunday (Sept 27, 2015)!

If you run in charismatic circles to any extent, you’ve probably heard that something “big” is going to happen this fall, because the last of the “four blood moons” will take place. And I’m here to tell you, something BIG will take place. First, a few important observations about the “prophecy” and the Bible: What […]

Pentecost: More than Acts 1:8

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). For some Christians, this text is all that defines Pentecost. However, Pentecost was a fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies. Hence, to properly understand the significance of Pentecost, one must begin with the Old Testament expectations of the future coming of the […]