Myth #2: “Spiritual = Eccentric and Strange”


Depending on how much exposure people have had to the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, they might associate the words Spirit-filled with people who claim to be inspired by the Spirit to bark like dogs, scream, or […]

Interview about “Simply Spirit-Filled”

Simply Spirit-Filled Interview

My colleague, Carmen Kampman, interviewed me about my new book, “Simply Spirit-Filled,” and I also answered questions that people posted online. You can watch the video replay here. […]

Myth #1: “Prophecy is all About the Future”

Prophecy Future Spiritual Gifts

Many people in Pentecostal-Charismatic circles define the spiritual gift of prophecy too narrowly. When they say someone “prophesied over” them, they usually mean that someone told them something about their future. This shows that they likely belief the myth that […]

My (Real) Prophecy for 2019

There are False Prophets Among Us!

prophecy 2019

I kid you not, I received my first “2019 prophecy” in my inbox on November 26, 2018. And when I clicked on that link, I saw two other links that were published as early as November 3. My real prophecy for 2019 is that there are […]

Christ, the Spirit, and the Divine Attributes: Pentecostals and Karl Barth on (Im)passibility and (Im)mutability

Karl Barth Divine Attributes

This is a video of a presentation Dr. Andrew K. Gabriel delivered at the Evangelical Theological Society. This presentation and others from the same session will eventually appear in a book with the title “Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology: A Convergence of the Word and the Spirit,” co-edited by Frank D. Macchia, Terry L. Cross, and […]

The Holy Spirit and Leadership: 7 Biblical and Theological Observations

Holy Spirit leadership

A couple weeks ago I was a guest lecturer for a course on the Holy Spirit at Carey Graduate School in Auckland, New Zealand. The professor had invited me to share on the topic of the Holy Spirit and Leadership. But if you’ve read many books on the Holy Spirit, you will know that they don’t include chapters on leadership.

What is Pentecostal Pneumatology? Can You Help Me Out?

Holy Spirit Pentecost small question mark

A few months ago, I signed a contract to write the chapter on “Pneumatology” for the Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology. Wolfgang Vondey is editing the handbook. As I prepare to write the essay, I’m wondering if you might be able to help me out. What is Pentecostal pneumatology? But, here’s the kicker […]

Speaking in Tongues as Encoded Spiritual Information (Non-Language)

Speaking in Tongues Encoding Information

Linguists who analyze glossolalia (speaking in tongues) generally conclude that in many cases it does not fully meet the characteristics of human language. Critics sometimes use this finding to dismiss tongues completely. In contrast, an examination of what constitutes spiritual information can help us affirm tongues as Spirit-enabled communication […]

Resources on the Meaning of Pentecost and Spirit Baptism

Holy Spirit Dove

About a year ago, I wrote a post, “Should Pentecostals talk about the Spirit on Pentecost Sunday?” Given that Pentecost Sunday is approaching soon, I thought I would put together a list of links to some of my resources that address Pentecost specifically as well as the closely related topic of Spirit baptism. Blog posts: […]

Book Publisher Announcement: Touched by God

Holy Spirit

After a long wait, my book Touched by God: Experiencing the Holy Spirit has found a publishing home (the final title is yet to be determined). I signed a contract with HarperCollins to publish the book with Emanate Books, a new imprint from Thomas Nelson (a division of HarperCollins). I submitted my manuscript earlier this […]