Looking for a ministry position?

Looking for a ministry position? While I find networking is one of the most effective ways to find employment in this area (especially a pastoral role), here are some web pages that you might find helpful. http://www.christianjobsearch.net/ http://www.ministryemployment.ca/ http://www.christiancareerscanada.com/ And if you are looking for something in the PAOC: Links to the district offices. Listings […]

Pentecostal and Evangelical Bible Commentaries

I recently had an e-mail asking, “could you please recommend a good ‘Pentecostal/Evangelical’ commentary.” I thought my response would be worth posting here. Most commentary series include a mix of scholars, some evangelical and some not. However, here are a few that immediately come to mind and that I am pretty sure include all evangelical scholars: the […]

Foundational Discipleship Questions

follow discipleship

Do I have disciples? Can I disciple someone? Or is it all about Jesus Christ? These are some foundational questions I asked myself recently about discipleship. In answering my questions I observed: 1/ When referring to Christians as “disciples,” the NT never uses the term “disciple” in reference to anyone other than Jesus Christ. You […]

The PAOC publication “AUTHENTICALLY PENTECOSTAL”: My Thoughts and Reflections

The PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) recently published a booklet entitled, Authentically Pentecostal: Here’s What We See—A Conversation, which is a collection of essays, largely coming out of the PAOC’s “Theological Study Commission.” The publication covers the themes of Christ as savior, baptizer, healer, and coming king from theological and pastoral perspectives. In the section […]

As Christ loved the church…

Ephesians 5:24-25 says, “Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.  25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Usually verse 24 gets all the attention, but I pondered recently what it might mean for me to […]

Horizon’s great programs

What a great partnership! Horizon’s Youth and Children’s Ministry programs now each INCLUDE either a Youth Worker certificate or Early Childhood Education diploma from SIAST (Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology) AS PART of the 4 yr B.Th. degree. WOW! See their newsletter.