3 Ways People Misunderstand Tongues as “Initial Evidence” of Spirit Baptism


Classical Pentecostals typically affirm that “the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.”[1] I frequently encounter Christians, including those from Pentecostal churches, who misunderstand the intent of the “initial evidence” doctrine. Some people object to the initial evidence doctrine by saying that there […]

PAOC Clergy on Tongues and Spirit Baptism: Changing Views

Yesterday I had a journal article published: “Changing Conceptions of Speaking in Tongues and Spirit Baptism Among Canadian Pentecostal Clergy,” with Adam Stewart and Kevin Shanahan. Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity 7 (2016): 1-24. In the same volume, you can find responses to my article from PAOC General Superintendent David Wells, Randy Holm, and Van Johnson, […]

Review: The New Pentecostal Message? An Introduction to the Prosperity Movement

Lewis Brogdon has produced an excellent work on the prosperity movement, offering more nuance to his evaluation of the movement than most, in that he is both critical and appreciative of the movement. First, Brogdon challenges the common historical narrative that the prosperity movement has its roots in New Thought metaphysics and Christian Science, and […]

Reflections on the PAOC book, “NEXUS: Where Theology and Mission Meet”

In December 2015 the PAOC released another small book. Overall, I was encouraged by the key theme running through this book—theology and mission must and do meet. However, I will focus here on some specific points that stuck with me. Pentecostals and Experience There is no doubt that at the core of Pentecostalism are experiences […]

Missional Vitality and the Future of the PAOC

Following up on the October 2014 survey of PAOC credential holders, Adam Stewart and I had an article called “Missional Vitality and the Future of the PAOC” appear in the Fall 2015 issue of Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, p. 22-25. Click on the picture or here to view the article. *Posted here with […]

The AG, PAOC, and the New Calvinism: A Pentecostal Response to Reformed Theology / Calvinism

The Assemblies of God (AG, USA) has created a position paper in response to Reformed Theology (found here). The AG document is written in response to “growing popularity of Reformed theology among younger ministers and ministerial students” (p. 1), which I would also say is a concern for some in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). […]

The New Canadian Pentecostals: A Fantastic New Book!

I recently read The New Canadian Pentecostals by Adam Stewart. I loved this book, so much so that I devoured it. As the title suggests, it describes changes in Pentecostal churches in Canada, specifically in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). The book was a joy to read. One of the final chapters was my […]

Spiritual Vitality Among PAOC Credential Holders

Following up on the October 2014 survey of PAOC credential holders, Adam Stewart and I had an article called “Spiritual Vitality Among PAOC Credential Holders” appear in the Summer 2015 issue of Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, p. 26-29. Click on the picture or here to view the article. *Posted here with permission.

Theological Vitality in the PAOC Today

Following up on the October 2014 survey of PAOC credential holders, Adam Stewart and I had an article called “Theological Vitality in the PAOC Today” appear in the Spring 2015 issue of Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, p. 12-15. Click on the picture or here to view the article. *Posted here with permission.

Pentecost: More than Acts 1:8

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). For some Christians, this text is all that defines Pentecost. However, Pentecost was a fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies. Hence, to properly understand the significance of Pentecost, one must begin with the Old Testament expectations of the future coming of the […]