Two New and Important Books on the Holy Spirit

(and my contributions)

Both of the books I mention here are “new” in the sense that they were published in 2020. I waited to mention them here because they were first published only in a hardcover format and with a price of …

Which book cover do you like best?

I was a little surprised yesterday when the publisher for my next book sent me 12 different options for my book cover. I thought they might send me a few options. By contrast, when I’ve published academic books, I’ve had no input into the book cover. I’ve narrowed down the options to 6, but I would love to hear which cover you like best.

What is Pentecostal Pneumatology? Can You Help Me Out?

Holy Spirit Pentecost small question mark

A few months ago, I signed a contract to write the chapter on “Pneumatology” for the Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology. Wolfgang Vondey is editing the handbook. As I prepare to write the essay, I’m wondering if you might be able to help me out. What is Pentecostal pneumatology? But, here’s the kicker […]

I need your HELP with my BOOK TITLE!


This morning I spoke with the publisher for my next book. As you might already know, the book is about experiencing the Holy Spirit. I need to figure out a book title in the next day or two. Can you help? Here are the two options the publisher has given me […]

Book Publisher Announcement: Touched by God

Holy Spirit

After a long wait, my book Touched by God: Experiencing the Holy Spirit has found a publishing home (the final title is yet to be determined). I signed a contract with HarperCollins to publish the book with Emanate Books, a new imprint from Thomas Nelson (a division of HarperCollins). I submitted my manuscript earlier this […]

How are Canadian Pentecostal Clergy Changing?

Together with Dr. Adam Stewart (Crandall University) and Kevin Shanahan (Environics Research), I recently published a journal article called “Changes in Clergy Belief and Practice in Canada’s Largest Pentecostal Denomination.” You can download the article here. Most readers will be most interested in the second part of the article, which discusses overall changes over the […]

The Gifts of the Spirit are not Limited to Charismatics [Video]

Charismatic gifts

I finished an essay on Charismatic Perspectives on pneumatology. Here are a few reflections.

History of the PAOC Statement of Faith

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) is in a process of reviewing and refreshing its Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths (SOFET). You can find a copy of the most recent, 2014, statement here. The PAOC’s SOFET has seen many changes. Some of these changes reflect reaffirmations of previous beliefs, while some reflect changing beliefs […]

PAOC Clergy on Tongues and Spirit Baptism: Changing Views

Yesterday I had a journal article published: “Changing Conceptions of Speaking in Tongues and Spirit Baptism Among Canadian Pentecostal Clergy,” with Adam Stewart and Kevin Shanahan. Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity 7 (2016): 1-24. In the same volume, you can find responses to my article from PAOC General Superintendent David Wells, Randy Holm, and Van Johnson, […]

Update: Recent Publication Available Online

Update to my previous post. The following publication is now available to read online at googlebooks (it’s free!). Andrew Gabriel. “Pneumatological Insights for the Attributes of the Divine Loving,” in Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics, edited by Myk Habets, 39-53. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Academic, 2016.