Should I Declare the Blood of Jesus Over my Home to Stop COVID-19?

Blood jesus covid-19

Times of crisis can make us feel like “normal” prayers are not enough. They can make us feel like we need to pull out the big guns (spiritually speaking) to engage in heavy spiritual warfare. As a result, more and more people are declaring an end to COVID-19 and applying Jesus’ blood. Some are […]

There is Power in the Tongue, but Not for Declarations and Decrees

power tongue declare decree

Is there power in the tongue? Of course….but…what does the Bible mean when it refers to the power of the tongue? Some Christians claim that because we are created in the image of God, we […]

Pentecostal Political Theology

Pentecostal political theology

In today’s video, I interview Dr. Steven Studebaker from McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, ON. I ask him about what unique emphases Pentecostals make regarding political theology and what difference these ideas make for the average Christian.

Religious Pluralism and the Spirit of Pentecost

religious pluralism pentecost

In light of the multi-culturalism that brings the religions of the world together in one place, many people affirm religious pluralism. This is the idea that there are various equal paths to religious truth and salvation. Pluralism holds that all religions are of equal value, as they all […]

Pentecostal Theology of Preaching

Lee Roy Martin Theology of Preaching

In today’s video, I interview Dr. Lee Roy Martin from Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, TN. I ask him about what unique emphases Pentecostals make to a theology of preaching and what Pentecostals mean by “anointed preaching.” […]

What is Pentecostal Pneumatology (Other than Spirit Baptism)? A Lecture

Gabriel Pentecostal Pneumatology Lecture

This is a video of a presentation Dr. Andrew K. Gabriel delivered at the Society for Pentecostal Studies in Washington, DC. A longer version of the paper I presented will eventually appear in a book with the title The Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology, edited by Wolfgang Vondey.

Are Spiritual Gifts Only for Individual People? [video]

group spiritual gifts

In today’s video, I interview theologian Dr. John Gresham, who is now at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI. I ask him about his research on the gifts of the Spirit and how a group might manifest a spiritual gift, rather than just an individual demonstrating a spiritual gift.

Myth #4: “The Spirit-Filled Life = Success and Victory”

victory holy spirit

Some people believe the myth that those who are really Spirit-filled will always experience victory. This belief is a cousin to the idea that if you have enough faith you will always experience health and wealth. Just as faith doesn’t guarantee a life free of […]

Myth #3: “Spiritual Gifts are Dramatic and Miraculous”

miracles spiritual gifts

I may not have made it through Seminary without my friend who had the spiritual gift of encouragement. Encouragement? Yes, that is a spiritual gift (Romans 12:8). Sometimes people believe the myth that spiritual gifts are only things that are dramatic and spectacular, but […]

Myth #1: “Prophecy is all About the Future”

Prophecy Future Spiritual Gifts

Many people in Pentecostal-Charismatic circles define the spiritual gift of prophecy too narrowly. When they say someone “prophesied over” them, they usually mean that someone told them something about their future. This shows that they likely belief the myth that […]