Reflections on the PAOC book, “NEXUS: Where Theology and Mission Meet”

In December 2015 the PAOC released another small book. Overall, I was encouraged by the key theme running through this book—theology and mission must and do meet. However, I will focus here on some specific points that stuck with me. Pentecostals and Experience There is no doubt that at the core of Pentecostalism are experiences […]

Missional Vitality and the Future of the PAOC

Following up on the October 2014 survey of PAOC credential holders, Adam Stewart and I had an article called “Missional Vitality and the Future of the PAOC” appear in the Fall 2015 issue of Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, p. 22-25. Click on the picture or here to view the article. *Posted here with […]

The AG, PAOC, and the New Calvinism: A Pentecostal Response to Reformed Theology / Calvinism

The Assemblies of God (AG, USA) has created a position paper in response to Reformed Theology (found here). The AG document is written in response to “growing popularity of Reformed theology among younger ministers and ministerial students” (p. 1), which I would also say is a concern for some in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). […]

Is God For You…Not Against You?

God is for you, not against you

Some famous preachers make this their regular mantra, “God is for you, not against you.” Whenever I hear such encouragement, however, I wonder how someone can make such a blanket statement to all people who might be listening.

The Fourth Blood Moon Happens this Sunday (Sept 27, 2015)!

If you run in charismatic circles to any extent, you’ve probably heard that something “big” is going to happen this fall, because the last of the “four blood moons” will take place. And I’m here to tell you, something BIG will take place. First, a few important observations about the “prophecy” and the Bible: What […]

Pentecost: More than Acts 1:8

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). For some Christians, this text is all that defines Pentecost. However, Pentecost was a fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies. Hence, to properly understand the significance of Pentecost, one must begin with the Old Testament expectations of the future coming of the […]

The Spirit of Power and Love: Jonathan Edwards and Pentecostals on the Spirit (and Holiness)

  SPIRIT AS LOVE Jonathan Edwards’s can assist Pentecostals to further develop their understanding of the Holy Spirit. Edwards believes that Scripture confirms his view that the Spirit is the love of God. 1 John 4:8 states that “God is love,” which implies, for Edwards, that “the divine nature and essence does subsist in love.” […]

Theology in Worship and Music: Please Think About What We Sing

theology in worship

Some people think of theology as dry. However, theology is found in anything that expresses our ideas of God and all things in relation to God. Hence, theology is found not only in textbooks—it is also found in places like art and music. With respect to worship and music specifically, it is important for us […]

Is Speaking in Tongues Only for a Few? Only for the Gifted?

If speaking in tongues is a gift (1 Cor 12 and 14), then wouldn’t we think that only the gifted would be able to speak in tongues? The answer might seem to be “yes.” This possible answer might find support in Paul’s questions at the end of 1 Corinthians 12. Here, after he has said […]

Book Review: “Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction,” edited by Kelly Kapic and Bruce McCormack

MAPPING MODERN THEOLOGY: A THEMATIC AND HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION, edited by Kelly M. Kapic and Bruce L. McCormack (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012). x + 421pp. $25 paperback. Most books on contemporary theology trace key themes in theology or focus on the contributions of influential theologians. While these approaches are helpful, it can be easy to miss […]