What if Jesus WAS Married with Children?

For a number of reasons some people have wondered if perhaps Jesus was married and if Jesus had children: “Jesus’s Family Tomb“— Was Jesus buried with his wife and kids? The tomb was found in 1980, but a 2007 movie and book made a big deal about it. The so-called “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife”—Discovered in […]

Pluralism, Christianity, and World Religions

I gave a talk recently on Christianity and the World Religions. My presentation focused on the three most popular world religions outside of Christianity: Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. As I prepared my talk, two things struck me. 1.     Pluralism doesn’t work I’m defining pluralism here as the idea that there are various religious paths to […]

God, the Trinity

This evening I’m doing a presentation on the Trinity at a local church. I’m posting the notes here for those who would like to have them. Download the notes here:  God, the Trinity. Outline for the talk: Why Does it Matter? Recognizing the “Trinity” Questions For those who might like to read further, see here.

My new book publication: Barth’s Doctrine of Creation

I’m pleased to announce the publication of my next book: Gabriel, Andrew K. Barth’s Doctrine of Creation: Creation, Nature, Jesus, and the Trinity. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014. On the Amazon USA site, you can view the table of contents, cover, and inside the book here. For those not in the USA, the book is also available […]

The Holy Spirit and Eschatology (The Last Days)

Many people think of eschatology only with respect to events surrounding the return of Christ. However, the coming of the Spirit at Pentecostal is eschatological in as much as it both fulfills previous expectations regarding the coming of the Spirit and represents a promise of the future eschatological work of God. There are many places […]

Reflections on the PAOC booklet, “His Witnesses: Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World”

The PAOC has published another booklet: His Witnesses: Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World (2013). It would be too much to discuss all thirteen essays here, so I offer only a few reflections and highlights. David Wells (the PAOC general superintendent) expresses the impetus for this timely book: church life has many aspects that can […]

Book Review: “Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why it Matters” by Thomas H. McCall

FORSAKEN: THE TRINITY AND THE CROSS, AND WHY IT MATTERS. By Thomas H. McCall. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2012. Pp. 171. $20.00. McCall’s primary concern is to critique the teaching (of Moltmann, but also many who follow him) that at the death of Christ there was a rupture in the Trinity. McCall argues that […]

Does Sin Separate us from God?

Sin separates us from god

Does sin separate us from God? How could one be separated from an omnipresent God? If you try to think of a scripture that states “sin separates you from God” (or something like it), you will have a hard time. If sin separated us from God, wouldn’t that mean that there isn’t much hope? We would have been stuck in […]