Updating the PAOC Statement of Faith: Gender and Language

We should update the PAOC statement of faith. I’m sure other people have thought this. However, I haven’t heard too many people talk about the fact that our statement of faith contains much gender exclusive language. Gender exclusive language uses terms like “mankind” and “policemen.” Gender inclusive language uses terms like “people” or “police officers” […]

Was the God Silent between the OT and NT?

God silent

For most of the 1900’s, scholars (and hence pastors’ popular teaching) have followed Hermann Gunkel’s conclusion (from 1888) that God was silent during the intertestamental period. However, many people aren’t aware that biblical scholarship has moved away from that view.

Pentecostals and Divine Suffering, Again: My Response to Castelo’s Response to Me

In a previous post I noted a response I published to Daniel Castelo regarding divine impassibility (especially concerning the possibility of God suffering). Castelo has since published a response to my article: Daniel Castelo, “Toward Pentecostal Prolegomena II: A Rejoinder to Andrew Gabriel,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 21 (2012): 168-180. (Due to copyright, I can’t […]

I’m an Arminian and I believe in Divine Election and Predestination!

predestination arminianism

Arminians believe in divine election/predestination. We have to. It is in the Bible! The question is whether or not predestination is based solely on God’s will (Calvinists= unconditional election) or whether there is some basis upon which God preordains people (Arminians= conditional election). God’s Foreknowledge Arminians typically have argued that God’s condition for predestination is […]

Church in the Power of the Spirit

Reflections from a journal article (see below for full information): 1/ The church should be a “fellowship in the Spirit” (p. 156ff.). This means that the church is not just gathered together by the Spirit (a fellowship created by the Spirit), but that, “In the Pentecostal model of church, the key and defining thing is […]

My ways are not your ways! On Isaiah 55:8

“My ways are not your ways!” I’ve heard Christians quote this verse in numerous contexts to suggest that God’s ways are completely different than and even contrary to human reasoning. Let me give two examples: 1/ The problem of evil– some might say we could never understand why God allows evil (or some specific evils) […]

Tongues is NOT the Only Sign of Spirit Baptism

Speaking in tongues is not the only sign that a person has been baptized in the Holy Spirit. When Jesus told the disciples that he was going to baptize them in the Holy Spirit he didn’t even mention tongues. Instead, he focused on the fact that this was preparation for their ministry. He said that […]

Problem of Evil

To say there is ‘senseless’ evil presumes you have a basis to say it is senseless. However, saying something is ‘senseless’ just means you can’t make sense of it. That is, it means that you can’t figure out why God would allow it. However, calling some evil ‘senseless’ doesn’t prove there is no reason (just that […]

Pentecostals and the Question of Divine Suffering

About a year ago I came across an article by Daniel Castelo recommending the doctrine of divine impassibility to Pentecostals (the question of whether God has passion, often focusing on whether or not God can suffer). I wrote a response that was just published. Thanks to Brill’s (a publisher) relatively recent and generous change to their author […]