Pentecostalism Article: Passion for God?
An article of mine just came out in Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the PAOC called “Passion for God?”. You can also view the whole magazine.
An article of mine just came out in Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the PAOC called “Passion for God?”. You can also view the whole magazine.
A continuation of Love Wins (part 1) and (part 1.5). *Note- the red text contains hyperlinks to videos or other pages. Now for the second issue and the practical question…. 2/ Universalism- I can understand why some people have concluded that he is a universalist (especially based on the pre-publication video that was released). He […]
On my way to the college this morning, I read (I was not driving, but taking the bus) an article which defended (and critiqued) the atonement theory of penal substitution. I really appreciated the article because: The doctrine of penal substitution (that Jesus takes my penalty upon him with his death) has been under frequent […]
A continuation from my post Love Wins (part 1)…a discussion of Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins. I know I said I would post part 2 today, but I had an “Ah ha!” moment (if you don’t know what that is, ask one of my students), so part 2 will have to wait. (I would have […]
Rob Bell…not again. Sorry. In the book Love Wins, Bell does ask a lot of questions (that is all that is in the first chapter!), but he does answer some of them too, so I don’t think he is totally ambiguous. First, a few things I really liked about the book. His chapter on heaven […]
I recently had an e-mail asking, “could you please recommend a good ‘Pentecostal/Evangelical’ commentary.” I thought my response would be worth posting here. Most commentary series include a mix of scholars, some evangelical and some not. However, here are a few that immediately come to mind and that I am pretty sure include all evangelical scholars: the […]
Pleased to announce the publication of my first book: THE LORD IS THE SPIRIT. You can view the cover and some of the inside on Amazon. The publisher’s page is here.
The PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) recently published a booklet entitled, Authentically Pentecostal: Here’s What We See—A Conversation, which is a collection of essays, largely coming out of the PAOC’s “Theological Study Commission.” The publication covers the themes of Christ as savior, baptizer, healer, and coming king from theological and pastoral perspectives. In the section […]
The first volume of the Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity is now online. See my essay (among others) on Macchia and his response.
I started off a new sermon series last Sunday: “Seeing Clearly: Understanding the Signs of the Times.” In my sermon I discussed how the ‘signs’ of the end of the world and the return of Christ (Matthew 24) have all been around since Jesus’ day, but they do serve to remind us that Jesus is […]