The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

I recently presented on the topic of The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. It was part of a Horizon Seminary event with the topic, “Why Does the Bible Matter? The Transformative Impact of the Scriptures.” In my presentation, I emphasized the need for a “deep view of Scripture” (in comparison to a low or high view of Scripture).

7 Ways the PAOC’s Proposed Statement of Faith Adds Pentecostal Spice

PAOC Pentecostal Statement

After a 7-year process, this month, May 2022, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) will vote on a new statement of faith at its General Conference. The refreshed statement uses contemporary language, like “worship” instead of “homage,” and it adds more Pentecostal spice to the statement. […]

Pentecostal(?) Eschatology in the PAOC’s Proposed New Statement of Faith

PAOC Pentecostal Eschatology

Since 2015 the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) has been in a process of refreshing its Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths (SOFET), including its eschatology. Overall, the new proposed statement regarding eschatology is slightly more Pentecostal than the current SOFET, and it is more in line with the PAOC’s earliest statements on eschatology and […]