Does the Church need Pastors or “Leaders”?

“Leadership” seems like a buzz word among Christians these days. Between the newness of the study of “leadership,”[1] and the fact that there is nothing inherently Christian about “leadership,” some Christians express concern that the emphasis on leadership makes churches unknowingly bring secular business theories (by which they mean anti-Christian theories) into the church. One […]

5 Surprises About “the Anointing” in the New Testament

The anointing

What is the anointing? In some Christian circles you might hear someone say, “the worship was so anointed,” or “the pastor was really anointed today.” What do they mean? But more importantly, how does the Bible…

Yes, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Christians Just Need Jesus: Reconciliation Requires Jesus’ Lead

Please join me in a written prayer inviting Jesus to speak to us in spaces that we may not have invited him to speak to us before: Lord, as Christians, we want to be able to meaningfully contribute to reconciliation between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples, but we need you to lead us and guide us. Jesus, help us be better reconcilers between one another. Lord, we know that once we accept […]

Pentecostals and the Trinity: On the PAOC’s Refreshed Statement of Faith

If you’ve been following my blog for a few years, you will know that the PAOC has been in a process of refreshing its Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths (SOFET). While some changes have been made as recently as 2014, such a project has not been undertaken since 1980. I have served on the […]

No, Indigenous Canadians Don’t Just Need Jesus: Reconciliation Requires More

Indigenous Cross

In the quest for reconciliation in Canada, some Christians feel that the answer to the problem is Jesus. They correctly observe, “We can’t change the past.” They may feel that even if all of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 Calls to Action were carried out, it would not be enough to satisfy Indigenous […]

Some Indigenous Reflections on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

I am an Indigenous Canadian Christian of Mi’kmaq decent (Atlantic Canada). My identity is complicated by the fact that I am not a visible minority (like many Mi’kmaq people, I don’t share the stereotypical First Nation look), I didn’t grow up on a reserve (though most Indigenous people in Canada do not live on reserves), […]

PAOC / PAONL Credential Holders with Doctorates (or in progress)

I have been tasked with compiling a list of all PAOC / PAONL credential holders who are either in possession of or working toward a Doctorate in some area theology related (e.g., ministry, Bible, religion, history, sociology). This may include YOU! Please pass the link to this web page on to people that you know. […]

Psalms for Divine Protection from COVID-19

Psalms COVID

The Psalms have gained prominence among Christians since the rise of COVID-19. Psalm 91 has been particularly popular. This is understandable given that it speaks of how God will save you “from the deadly disease” (v. 3, NLT), and the assurance that “pestilence” and “plague” (v. 6, NIV) “will not come near you” (v. 7). How are we to interpret such claims […]

Should I Declare the Blood of Jesus Over my Home to Stop COVID-19?

Blood jesus covid-19

Times of crisis can make us feel like “normal” prayers are not enough. They can make us feel like we need to pull out the big guns (spiritually speaking) to engage in heavy spiritual warfare. As a result, more and more people are declaring an end to COVID-19 and applying Jesus’ blood. Some are […]

There is Power in the Tongue, but Not for Declarations and Decrees

power tongue declare decree

Is there power in the tongue? Of course….but…what does the Bible mean when it refers to the power of the tongue? Some Christians claim that because we are created in the image of God, we […]