The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

I recently presented on the topic of The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. It was part of a Horizon Seminary event with the topic, “Why Does the Bible Matter? The Transformative Impact of the Scriptures.” In my presentation, I emphasized the need for a “deep view of Scripture” (in comparison to a low or high view of Scripture).

7 Ways the PAOC’s Proposed Statement of Faith Adds Pentecostal Spice

PAOC Pentecostal Statement

After a 7-year process, this month, May 2022, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) will vote on a new statement of faith at its General Conference. The refreshed statement uses contemporary language, like “worship” instead of “homage,” and it adds more Pentecostal spice to the statement. […]

10 Bible Verses You Can Legitimately Declare Over Your Life

declare bible truths

In a previous post I wrote that Christians should not be declaring and decreeing things over their lives. While I did give some specific examples of the types of declarations I had in mind, some people responded to me rightly noting that there are some cases where Christians can legitimately declare certain biblical truths over their lives. I agree. I am, nevertheless, concerned that […]

Spiritual Vitality Among PAOC Credential Holders

Following up on the October 2014 survey of PAOC credential holders, Adam Stewart and I had an article called “Spiritual Vitality Among PAOC Credential Holders” appear in the Summer 2015 issue of Enrich: The Leadership Magazine of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, p. 26-29. Click on the picture or here to view the article. *Posted here with permission.