Pentecostal Women in Ministry: Ambiguity and Affirmation in the PAOC

Pentecostal Preaching Woman

Some Pentecostals are proud to say that Pentecostals affirm women in ministry. They might point to the leadership of the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles (one of the most influential centers of early North American Pentecostalism), where about half of the leaders were women. As Pentecostal denominations formed, some churches continued to give prominent place to women leaders. Most, however, placed restrictions on women’s ministry and leadership in some form […]

The AG, PAOC, and the New Calvinism: A Pentecostal Response to Reformed Theology / Calvinism

The Assemblies of God (AG, USA) has created a position paper in response to Reformed Theology (found here). The AG document is written in response to “growing popularity of Reformed theology among younger ministers and ministerial students” (p. 1), which I would also say is a concern for some in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). […]