I’m sure some Christian somewhere has even tried to apply the blood of Jesus over their cat. I don’t like cats.
If you aren’t familiar with prayers where people “apply the blood,” you might want to check out this video (see especially the very beginning and from the 4 minute mark).
Such prayers (are they really prayers?) can sound very pious. They can sound very spiritual. Who wouldn’t want the best for their family, their marriage, or even their car?
But, you will not find such prayers in the Bible. Why?
Because you can’t apply the blood of Jesus over your life . . . or anything else.
Two More Problems with Applying the Blood
Those who are consistently “applying the blood of Jesus” in their prayers can make others feel like their prayers aren’t good enough. Such prayers seem to imply that prayer is a technique that needs to be learned.
Crucially, simple prayers are just as effective as flowery “spiritual” sounding prayers where someone tries to pray the “right” way. Consider the tax collector who simply prays, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). If God graciously responds to such simple prayers for mercy, surely God will be just as gracious in responding to our other simple prayers.
“God help my marriage!” is just as good . . . actually it’s better than “I apply the blood over my marriage.” The former puts us in a place of trust in the sovereignty and grace of God.
By contrast, in the “I apply the blood” prayers the person making such declarations seems to be trying to take control—trying to take sovereignty—over the situation. It’s as though now that they are doing their spiritual duty of applying Jesus blood, God should now be obliged to do what they are asking . . . or at least God is now more obliged than if they had prayed a simple prayer of request.
Jesus’ Ordinary Blood (Yet Another Problem)
Jesus’ blood was not special. Jesus was fully God, but let’s not forget that he was also fully human. He, therefore, had fully human blood, just like yours and mine. Its chemistry was no different than yours and mine.
This means that Jesus’ blood is not some sort of magical spiritual fairy dust that you can apply over your life by reciting the correct incantation. That sounds like Christian magic to me. But I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing. Or at least it shouldn’t be.
Where Does “Apply the Blood” Come From?
“Applying the blood” is primarily an allusion back to the Old Testament when Moses was trying to liberate the people Israel from their Egyptian oppressors.
In the tenth plague before the Exodus, God told each Israelite household to slaughter a lamb, eat its meat, and to apply “some of the [lamb’s] blood . . . on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses” where they ate (Exodus 12:7). Those who obeyed were protected from the tenth plague (for more info, read Exodus 12-13).
In the New Testament Paul once refers to Jesus Christ as “our Passover lamb” (1 Corinthians 5:7). As a result, similar to how the Israelites literally applied blood of a lamb to the doorposts of their houses, some people suppose that we now need to “apply the blood of Jesus” to various aspects of our lives. Sometimes it is for some sort of protection (like the original Passover), but at other times the practice is used as a general means to get what one wants.
God Applies the Blood of the Sacrifice
Of course we can’t literally apply the blood of Jesus since he died so long ago. But the Bible also never instructs us to metaphorically or spiritually apply the blood of Jesus over our lives. The same is true regarding the practice of “pleading the blood of Jesus.” And, to emphasize the point, the Bible never gives us any examples of anyone in the Bible doing this either.
Instead, what the Bible gives us is a picture of God applying (metaphorically) the blood of Jesus to our lives (for example, Hebrews 12:24 and 1 Peter 1:2). But even this is not primarily a reference to the Passover.
In addition to speaking of Jesus as the Passover Lamb, the New Testament also refers to Jesus as a sacrifice, particularly one that makes atonement for our sins (Romans 3:25 and Hebrews 9:26-28). This is a reference back to the sacrifices that took place in the tabernacle and (later) the temple under the old covenant.
When the New Testament speaks of the “blood of Christ” or the “blood of the Lamb,” it primarily has in mind the saving work of Jesus as the atoning sacrifice.
The Precious Blood of Jesus
When the Bible speaks of Jesus’ blood and its value, it is short hand for referring to the salvation that comes through the death of Christ. (The same is true of when the Bible speaks of the power of “the cross”).
Biblical references to Jesus’ blood are, as I noted, allusions to how Jesus fulfills various Old Testament sacrifices—he was killed, his blood was shed, and God (metaphorically) applies his blood to us, with the result that we are forgiven of our sins.
When the New Testament speaks of Jesus blood it is also an allusion to how Jesus establishes a new covenant between God and humanity. As Jesus said regarding himself, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28, compare Exodus 24:8).
Recognizing this, one can rightfully say that Jesus blood is precious. And his blood IS POWERFUL. It
- Frees us from sin (Revelation 1:5),
- Justifies us (Romans 5:9),
- Redeems us (Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19),
- Gives us confidence to approach God (Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:19), and
- Cleanses us and makes us holy (Hebrews 9:22 and 13:12, 1 John 1:7).
(Can I hear an AMEN!?)
But, Jesus blood is not something that we can apply over our lives or anything else. And yet, I’m sure God is gracious enough to hear the prayers of those who try to.
Leave a comment below by clicking here.
P.S. I’ve mentioned this in the comments below: I think that pleading the blood is less of a problem that trying to “apply” the blood, given that the latter suggests that we actually do something with Jesus’ blood. At the same time, we don’t find anyone “applying” or “pleading” the blood of Jesus in the Bible.
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Thank you for this excellent post. I have spoken to many Christians who seem to believe that applying/pleading the blood of Jesus is scriptural that it is no more biblical than them having the authority to bind and loose (Another topic). These poor teachings and understandings stem from biblical ignorance and unfortunately the large amount of my brothers and sisters who seem to be under the spell of the Word of Faith, name it and claim it heretics and the charlatans who claim to be the NAR. Unfortunately the gift of discernment is totally lacking in the body of Messiah.
Hmmmmm so if you say Bible never told us to apply or plead the blood of Jesus Christ so does the Bible tell us how to eat 3 minimum square meals a day but we still need or do eat to achieve nourishment to our bodies
I certainly don’t agree with your teaching on the non application/ pleading of BLOOD of Jesus Christ
Debbie Faith ogadj
@Debbie- I’m at a bit of a loss here. Are there other spiritual practices that you engage in that aren’t biblical? I think we can both agree that eating food or brushing our teeth are very different than spiritual practices.
So often are we correct in the things that we agree upon, but its when we say what God cannot and will not do, it concerns me.
@Debby Totally 💯👍
thank you brother Andrew for this difficult subject. my suggestion to those that don’t agree, is fine, don’t agree, but don’t insult brother Andrew by saying that he is in error or that he is hateful.
reading the Word, there is not even one mention from any of the disciples where they verbally pleaded the blood of Jesus. not even when they where in Jail, they sang and prison doors were opened, not when they were sick like timothy or when paul was asking for healing , he prayed 3 times but never plead the blood of Jesus for healing. if you want to continue with that kind of unscriptural belief okay, but we will giving account to God for all our actions and thoughts one day. if we do it bc of the old testament did applied the blood of a lamb for protection it was bc God Himself told moses to tell the israelites to do it . if God wanted us to pray that way He, Himself would have told us in His Word to do it. there are many things in the old testament that the israelites did and we don’t keep them but pleading Jesus blood we do? i fue for many years believing it that way bc we were thought that way and do we followed that belief until i started searching and confirming it is not biblical. thank you for your time in reading this , it is very well meant to edify the body of Christ.
Thanks for participating in the discussion. 🙂
I dont agree this guy. You said its not biblical. Ok so whats wrong with saying it? Do you feel it upset our HOLY GOD? Out of all the sinister things going on in this world, you are trying to steer people away from pleading the blood of JESUS over family and friends? Its been done for generations upon generations. And i will continue to do for mine and my siblings kids. Grandkids, great grandkids and on and on. Is not mercy in the BLOOD OF JESUS? Grace? After all, when he shed his blood we were no longer bound by law right? How are you going to say his blood wasnt special? I praise GOD for my mothers prayers! She pleaded the BLOOD over all her kids! And thank GOD we all here today and will be cought up to meet JESUS when he comes! GOD bless.
Furthermore, the Blood of Christ was shed to save is from God’s wrath, not Satan’s! Therefore what so many in the comments section are not understanding is that we are not meant to be using the blood of Christ as some type of spiritual warfare tool against the devil. It is not the devils wrath that the blood of Christ spared us from , but rather, Almighty God’s own wrath, due to the penalty of sin being death!
I typically do not participate in discussions of this nature, as scripture has instructed that we are not to strive with flesh and blood… I have never heard of the author of this article and stumbled upon it due to confusion over a comment posted on a group text-
I urge anyone who thinks that the Messiah’s death nullified the law to reconcile this with the fact that Messiah obeyed the laws, sabbaths and feasts of his father the Almighty, up until he was pierced for the transgressions “of those who would believe”… it’s unfortunate that what I’m reading is prideful disregard for what they say they believe (scripture) in defense of some doctrine practice they have adopted without any regard as to the opinion of the only ONE who matters- The Almighty YHWH –
Please enlighten me as to who else from antiquity did this??? The very ones that Messiah rebuked the strongest- the Pharisees and religious leaders – but why??? For the doctrines of demons and the traditions of men-
Give heed to caution … we will never plead ignorance before the judgment throne of the Almighty- after all this generation we are living in is the Information Age… let us all seek truth and study to show thyselves approved.
Ooh yeah. It now makes sense.
Hey, butt munch. I never asked for your approval on my comment. You are spreadng blasphemous nonsense. I don’t are one bit what you say
What we need to do is 1john1-7..walk in the light..then the blood of Jesus will cleans us from all our sins
Nice one, but I think if people believe that applying the blood of Jesus to all areas of live works for them, there is no big deal there, since they are not committing sin through it.
This is one of most dangerous post, misleading on new covenant times . I didn’t know the power of salvation until I entered into this blood relationship , I struggle no more with sin or the devil. If God says he used the blood to raise Jesus and to open haevens for our grace, who are we to talk I’ll of this blood? Preacher ovioding blood have hard time because they are preaching word without power so nothing happens after their preaching please read and study the book of Hebrews, roman peters letter Galatian
Hi Bernard, Thanks for taking the time to read the post. I wonder, where do you see in the Bible that God “used the blood to raise Jesus.”?
Also, perhaps you missed that the post actually does affirm the power of the blood of Jesus. See the section on the “previous blood of Jesus.”
Praise God for the shed Blood of His only begotteb Son Jesus the Chirst son of the Living God anem.
The power of the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony is undeniable. It’s crucial to recognize that Jesus had no human DNA and was conceived through the Holy Spirit, without human blood. This perspective is essential for understanding the divine nature of Jesus. We must ensure that our teachings are based on revelation and scriptural knowledge rather than mere intellectual speculation. It’s important to confront and correct misleading teachings that overlook these fundamental truths.
This Post Is FALSE and is NOT in The Word Of God!
John 6:55 “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink”
Hebrews 9:14 “How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!”
This piece can be confusing. With due respect, many of us Christians have used the blood of Jesus over negative circumstances and God answered. I disagree with your post. Blessings
Your post hit me tangentially this morning as it triggered how I sometimes pray for the Holy Spirit go before us. The pastor I am interning for reminded me that the Holy Spirit is already active within the world. I now recognize the redundancy, and a better prayer is for God to open my/our spiritual eyes to see where the Holy Spirit is moving. To prepare me/us for when we encounter those who the Holy Spirit has already prepared.
Wait, so Jesus blood was just like ours? Then anyone of us could have died on the cross then? Right? Why was his death an acceptable sacrifice? So he had Mary’s blood and who else? We have the blood of both our parents, correct? He had Mary’s, you agree? And who else’s blood was in his human body? Demons tremble at the NAME of Jesus. Is that scriptural? Yes it is. Do they metaphorically tremble? Whatever kind of tremble it is, it is at the name of Jesus. You theologians….I attended a Christian college. Not all theologians are Christians
I do not accept Andrew Gabriel’s teachings. You can apply the blood of Jesus Christ to any given situation whether it be on wood, or flesh, or metal. Why? These are elements of the earth, man was created by the dust of the earth and we apply the blood of Jesus Christ to our flesh for protection and healing. You do not need to plead the blood. Why? The plea word is used in a courtroom. Satan is already judged. We were guilty but by confession we are set free as though we were innocent as if we never sinned. Being washed by the blood. Remember, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. The son (Jesus) shed his blood. Therefore God gave the world Jesus’ blood. We are in the world, so we can use the blood. It’s God Himself who judge’s whether the blood can be used on a given situation. We now apply the blood of Jesus not plead it. The blood prevents Satan from entering a situation. Just like the angel of death couldn’t enter the homes with the blood of lamb neither can Satan. So use the blood to save and protect what God has committed to you.
@Daljit. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I notice that you have some well-thought out ideas here, but that you haven’t quoted the Bible at all.
What do you see in the Bible that suggests we can “use the blood” (your words) of Jesus?
Yes I thought that too.Jesus was fully God and fully man.However His blood had to be more than mere human which is impure ,contaminated by sin,unrighteous, for it to have any eternal,redemptive effect and be able to be pleasing and perfectly acceptable and approved of by God, that was the point surely! sinless,pure,righteous perfect blood from the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world precisely because His blood only was pure,sin uninflected and righteous.Why is there no mention of Holy Spirits part in all of this as He hovered over Mary to cause her to conceive and the fact that God is God and so of course was able to supply and provide Jesus blood supernaturally why is that so hard to believe or conceive?
I agree with you.
Old traditions die hard. My grandparents used to plead the blood, and my mom still prays that way. Usually in the sense of protection, as your example of the Passover describes. She doesn’t see it as an incantation or magic phrase, as much as an expression of earnestness in asking God to watch over her family.
I debate the productiveness of trying to bring correction on things like this that may be extra-biblical, but are not necessarily contra-biblical. It can often come across as the theological know-it-all trying to show people where/how/why they are wrong. Now in training ministers or Sunday School teachers, yes, definitely straighten things out. Not so sure about the rank-and-file, especially when we’re talking about senior saints who have served faithfully for decades.
Hi Brian,
I’m sure no Christian views it as a magical incantation, but in many cases (not all) that is essentially what it is.
My concern isn’t just that the practice is extra-biblical. I think the practice often runs against the Bible, and that it isn’t just a harmless way to pray. And as I state in the section “two more problems,” although the person pleading the blood might have good intentions, such prayers can actually have an adverse affect on others around them.
Thanks for your comment. I can sense that your heart is to build up the body of Christ. That is also my aim and why I think it is important to talk about such things openly (although I do know many pastors follow my blog).
Hi Brian
I am now old enough to be qualified to testify that God is willing to teach people at any age. My wife once asked about my retirement plans, and I replied that I wanted to be a door greeter at Walmart. She reminded me of a time when our children were young and I gave up on my formal religious studies, suggesting that I prepare for ministry to fill the needs I had been seeing in churches to help pastors. I laughed at her, saying I was too old to start over.
When I became quiet enough, God got a hold of my heart and I am studying and preparing for part-time ministry. I am still learning because I am willing to be teachable.
I can say that there are times I feel entitled to my opinion because of my age and experience. My children have learned at least one thing from me, and they are now old enough and wise enough to speak into my life when they believe I am being the crusty old man I can be at times. They don’t enable me, as I refused to enable them.
There is an old idea from somewhere that I believe is true. A true friend will take the risk of offending you to correct you. Those who want to give you enough rope to hang yourself won’t say a word.
I might be an exception at being teachable, but I don’t believe we are to give up on teaching.
I hope this helps
Andrew dear, you are very judgmental and maybe you should recalibrate your motivation for this strong hate in your heart for Christians who spread the blood of Jesus over their lives. It sounds like Satan sent this message of hopelessness through your lying lips. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Who gave me the right? God!! Not any man who thinks he has all the answers lol. You can’t tell us what to do or we don’t have the right to use what God has given to us. This is not love. This is hate, jealousy and envy. The demons don’t want us to use the blood of our savior Jesus. Lol. Keep using it forever!! It will always work and always has. Amen
@Brandy- “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting …” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV)
Point of correction. Please note: JESUS was not killed. He freely gave up His life for us sinners.
The deep understands the deep.
Let those who have ears hear.
People so mislead .. they clearly don’t understand the finished work of chirst .. we are washed in his blood .. nothing About plead the blood big difference
As I read this post a heaviness rests on my heart. Have we forgotten that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds? (I Cor 10:14) How then should we pray?? The book of Revelations says that, “they have conquered him (Satan/ dragon) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Spirit prayer does not always make sense to our logical minds, as in praying in tongues. Although, Jake Hayford is no dumby and wrote the book, “Pleading the Blood” (www.jackhayford.org). Charles Spurgeon calls the Blood of the Lamb the “Conquering Weapon”, saying that, “This precious blood is to be used for overcoming, and consequently for holy warfare. We dishonor it if we do not use it to that end” (http://www.covenantofgrace.com/spurgeon_the_blood_of_the_lamb.htm) Derek Prince, says the blood of Jesus is speaking on our behalf in heaven. Therefore pleading the blood of Jesus is powerful and effective to use in prayer. Before we are so quick to criticize the practice of “pleading the blood”, just because we don’t understand it, or dislike how Benny Hinn uses it in the video link provided. We need to see where “pleading the blood” has been used and if it has been effective in spiritual battle. Then let’s consider if “pleading the blood” needs to be re-evaluated and thrown out before we change how we pray. Just a thought….
Annemarie, I knew this post would be a difficult read for many.
As I read your reply, as I’ve listened to Derek Prince (I have before), and as I’ve read from Jack Hayford, what strikes me is that no one ever grounds their claim in Scripture that we need to—or even that we can—apply or plead the blood of Jesus. That’s because it simply isn’t there.
These authors have a lot of good things to say about the value of the blood Jesus. But then they take an unwarranted jump and conclude that we can apply the blood of Jesus without any Scriptural guidance to suggest they should take that jump. For example, on this page (https://www.jackhayford.org/teaching/articles/pleading-the-blood/) Hayford primarily appeals to the Old Testament, and then just assumes we can apply Jesus’ blood, but without any Biblical references suggesting why he thinks we can do this. One of his headings says, “Lay Claim to the Body of Evidence,” which is ironic because he offers no evidence for this practice.
You can’t justifiably appeal to 2 Cor 10:4, as you do, because Paul never says it there either. To the contrary, he explains what he means in verse 5. And it has nothing to do with “applying the blood.” It possible verse 4 even has nothing to do with prayer as it seems to be primarily about good teaching (again, consider verse 5 and verses 9-11).
Many people appeal to Revelation 12:11, but again, this text certainly does not teach that we can apply or plead the blood of Jesus in our current situations. The verse has nothing to do with how to pray. If you read the context of the verse, it teaches that (firstly) “they overcame” because of what Christ had ALREADY done, not because they applied or plead the Jesus blood. Consider this commentary on this verse: https://books.google.ca/books?id=eqtLBQAAQBAJ&lpg=PR1&dq=revelation%20commentary&pg=PA257#v=onepage&q&f=false.
For what you’ve written, it seems your argument in favor of the practice is grounded in whether the practice “has been effective in spiritual battle.” I would suggest that our experience of “what works” should not ground our theology or our spiritual practices. As I said, I’m sure God has been gracious to respond to such prayers (and many other types of prayers) despite the problematic theology that sometimes grounds or is present in those prayers.
I actually agree absolutely with you but I have been very careful to share this as lots of christians can be quite sensitive about such age-old traditions as applying the blood or pleading the blood. Human beings are prone to idolatry and looking for formulas to control their circumstances instead of just trusting God in simple prayer. Thank you for your boldness, I am encouraged to do same.
The only way that I can think of that we could “plead the blood” without it becoming some sort of superstitious practice, is by saying something like, “I am not condemned. I plead the blood of Jesus, which has saved me.” But even then, we could likewise say, “I am not condemned, because the cross has saved me,” and mean the same thing. Or even, “I am not condemned. Jesus has saved me.”
I totally agree with you and am glad you are steadfast on practical biblical truth.
But why does it need to be “powerful and effective”? We are praying to God through Christ; that is enough.
The blood of Christ was shed to save us from the wrath of Almighty God, not Satan! Applying the blood of Christ to adversity or spiritual warfare is not biblical because it was never Satan’s wrath that the blood was shed for…rather, God’s OWN wrath. Even during the Passover where blood of a lamb was painted on each door frame, this was to save people from the plague from God. Christians have it back to front. It is God who already covered us in His blood, to save us from the penalty of sin; death! We were never promised that this life would be adversity free, just that Jesus would be enough!
Excellent point! From Kay Arthur’s “Precept”…. “ask: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? These questions are the building blocks of precise observation, which is essential for accurate interpretation.”
What the Bible actually says… Who are the people in the Bible passage? To Whom was it written? When & Where? What did the passage mean at that time? How can I apply it to my life now?
Let’s be mindful and careful of how we apply the Bible to our lives.
Ann Marie yes!!!
Were Jesus’ chromosones all from Mary?
No. Mary would not have had a Y (male) chromosome. Other than that, it is all speculation. We can’t even say for sure that Jesus had any of Mary’s chromosomes. God might have just miraculously created Jesus “out of nothing,” or he might have used Mary’s egg. We really don’t know since the Bible doesn’t explicitly tell us.
Mr Andrew. Thank you for providing this article about the pleading of the blood of Jesus, and your statement that the blood of Jesus was just human blood. That made my heart jump and tells me that you are talking about a topic that you have no understanding on, with all due respect sir, I’m not a scholar, just a man of Prayer that have a good relationship with God and understands the word of God. Before I make some comments I like for you to listen a video preaching by Reinhardt Bonnke, you being Pentecostal might have heard of him, he is responsible for winning millions of souls for the kingdom of God and one of his favorite topics was about the blood of Jesus. Like for you to comment on that teaching and then I like to hear your reply and we can start the study on your article, as you know we are responsible before God to make sure that what we teach is the truth, and we also have to make sure that we dont lead people to deception, many are not grounded and tend to believe everything they say because they fail to discern truth from error. My reason for responding to it because I did discern a spirit of error coming from you and according to the word of God we should help each other if this takes place, this is my motive, to help you as I believe you need to be confronted with your article and my suggestion is that when picking a topic such as the one you picked, you prayerfully take it to the Lord in Prayer.
My first comment is regarding your statement about that His blood was just human blood…………
Yes He was man, but we have to consider that He was born from a virgin, second He had no father involved, He was conceived different than any other, also He knew no sin, and I can go on and on. Even though He walked as a man, He was not ordinary man, everything about Him was unique, He was sent by the Father, He left glory , went to the cross, shed His blood on Calvary , third day He rose from the dead, the moment He shed His blood and died ,that Blood became supernatural, without it now theres no remissions of sin, the word also says ” If we walk in the Light as He is in the light, The BLOOD of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sin. Lot of things in the bible once touched by God even thought were ordinary things became supernatural, such as Sampson hair, such as oil, man running with supernatural strength and on and on. I recommend not to delete article and posting, so we get to the correct teachings, and if we are wrong, we admit that, correct it and move on, rather than defend the wrong because we are more concern about our students or followers, part of our teachings is , I was lost but now we are found, the word of God is there for correction, so if it is for correction that means that we will need to be corrected at some point in our walk with Him.
Thanks for your comment, John. And I appreciate your concern as well. That is why I myself wrote the post to begin with–out of a concern for others. I assure you, I didn’t right this willy nilly, without thinking about it, and without any sense of reverence for God.
I don’t allow people to post hyperlinks in the comments unless they are citing their source (see the commenting policy above). I would, however, welcome you to briefly summarize in your own words the key point(s) that you would like me to consider. I’m happy to discuss the topic with you. What leads you to conclude his “blood became supernatural” (your words)? And what does it mean to say natural blood becomes supernatural?
Hair and oil (your examples) don’t become supernatural—they remain fully physical, natural objects. Instead, God works through these physical things. Likewise, if I lay my hands on someone to pray for them, my arm and hand don’t become supernatural, even though God might work through them (you could say) in a supernatural way. Just because God is at work and present, it doesn’t turn something natural into supernatural.
Regarding Christ’s human nature, I would remind you of what the Council of Chaldecon concluded in 451: Jesus Christ has “two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together to form one person.”
This certainly makes Jesus unique, as you have said. But it also means that Christ’s divine nature did not change his human nature. Therefore, his blood remained fully human blood.
I agree with John,s comment.
I know you want something to write for people to read so that your blog doesn’t loose readers,
but on such topics like the blood of Jesus, seek God’s guidance apart from listening to what others have said. Open your heart, put your pride aside and listen to what God wants you to write about such a topic.
You said “I thought about the topic carefully”
Such a topic that doesn’t the heart of Sovereigh God don’t just think about it with a carnal mind.
In a nutshell you don’t anything about this topic and you will never know unless you humble yourself before the HOLY spirit’s teaching.
Leave it and move on
You really have the wrong slant on this and why people pray this way. Sorry for the offence you have caused many who have always prayed this way. We do not consider ourselves more spiritual nor are we trying to manipulate our Saviour. There is power in the blood!
Thanks for taking the time to read the post.
To clarify, I wasn’t suggesting that people who “apply the blood” do it because they think they are more spiritual. Rather, I was suggesting that some people do it because they think the practice sounds like a “spiritual” (and therefore right) thing to do.
I know some people do things because they seem “spiritual” (and therefore right) because I used to do a number of things for this very reason, and I’ve talked to enough other people to know I’m not alone.
I encourage you to search the Scripture and see if you can find any passage that suggests that we, as Christians, can “apply the blood” of Jesus.
God bless.
Wrong. We apply it because the Word said so. It also says to keep the Passover- application of the lambs blood. Christ is our Passover, our sacrificial lamb. Who’s wholly man and wholly God. We do Communion in remembrance and also application. Scripture says Many are weak for not discerning the body
@Anonymous- I appreciate you sharing your perspective. Could you share a little about where you see these themes in Scripture?
Amen! The guy who wrote this doesn’t understand and is using his own thinking!
Thank you Andrew for challenging us to think critically about the basis of our religious practices. I have lived far too many years with an incomplete theology that could not explain my legitimate spiritual experiences – therefore I find it refreshing to engage this way. Dear Lord – keep me teachable…
Yes Our Lord hears our prayers even without using any application of blood … But covering us with the Blood of Jesus and Fire of the Holy Spirit are absolutely not wrong.. They increase the faith of a person even if he is not a prayer warrior.. Jesus sacrificed Himself, He shed His blood for us. Because of His finished work today we are saved, healed, protected and blessed… So there’s nothing wrong using the precious Blood of Jesus.. Every time we apply His blood it reminds us His presence with us, with our lives and every thing related to us..
Powerful name of Jesus, Blood of Jesus, Fire of The Holy Spirit are powerful weapons for us with the armour of God given us in the book of Ephesians 6. Even when we apply the Blood of Jesus evil spirits get scared and run away, sickness leaves, accidents averted .. Theseall are practical experiences.. either you take the name of JESUS or apply the Blood of Jesus or the cover with the fire of the Holy Spirit.. they all are same and bring the same blessings.
Holy Spirit is Superbest Teacher…He never teaches wrong…
There is POWER in the BLOOD of JESUS. Without the shedding of blood is no remission. ( Hebrews 9:22) PLEASE READ YOUR BIBLES. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) If you don’t understand something fervently pray about it.
Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:12-13) Please don’t be deceived.
As I wrote in the post, I agree that there is power in the blood. The question is what that power is and how it is accessed or applied to our lives.
A few years ago, I was curious about, Why “The Blood”?
So I’ve read the book (The Blood Covenant: A Primitive Rite and its Bearings on Scripture by
…by Trumbull.
It is a Covenant ritual, an Exchange of life, Trust, Promise of protection ect.
It is not about applying the blood of Jesus, it is about “COVENANT”
We do not need to apply the blood of Jesus!
He is like a Husband in a marriage our Protector ect…..
It is like when we say in “The Name of Jesus” it is not in the word “Jesus” it is about
our Covenant with Him!
We overcame by the blood……shows that we have already overcome in Christ Jesus.. We are not just going to become an over comer because we plead the blood of Jesus. Its a victory already accomplished. its all about our believing and faith. when you keep pleading could be likened to unbelief. simply declare the Word of Faith over the situation. what Moses did in EX.12;7, 12-13 WAS JUST A SHADOW. It is God that metaphorically applies the blood on us now – Hebrews 12:24 and 1 Peter 1:2
Interesting thread here. I was told to plead the blood over my home when we were experiencing warfare. I went around every door and window, feeling like I was using a talisman to ward off evil spirits. I vaguely understood this practice to not be biblical but so many people do it that I tried anyway. (Oops lol)
Jesus gave us clear instructions on how to pray in Matthew 6. We see throughout scripture that it’s okay to deviate from this prayer script. And that we pray effectively from a posture of the heart. Matthew 6 shows us that the heart of prayer is mystery and trust
in God’s eternal promises and not in declaring specific outcomes in temporal circumstances.
There is no magic in exact words. There’s also no magic in the name of Jesus without a relationship with him. Our prayers are answered by faith, which the a condition and expectation of the heart as it is coming ever into alignment with God’s will if we are pursuing him diligently.
There’s no magic wand or blood pleading. As Jesus let his own blood on the cross for us he said himself, “It is FINISHED.” I think your article can make people upset because we often idolize our own understanding and want to be the ones to determine the will of God in any sort of battle.
Your correction isn’t leaving anyone disarmed in spiritual warfare. Quite the contrary. It liberates us from the bondage of seeking power of ourselves and with our own limited understanding. The truth is what sets us free, according to scripture. Thanks for writing this, Andrew. It helped clarify the mild unrest in my spirit over this blood pleading thing I used to do.
@Taryn- You are welcome. And thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I just want to comment on your opening statement about that Jesus’s Blood is not special. If I were a new saint and read your post, i would be so confused about Jesus and His Blood. That is a bold statement to make and is very misleading. We dont apply the blood because we think that it is some magical fairy dust, we apply the blood because we know the power that is behind it. If you cant appy the blood over your family your health or other things, what do you use it for? Many times people may say that the old testament is not relevant to the new testament and that things were so different but yet they take tithing scripture from the old testament and use it. We have to be very careful of what we write because the blood will be on our hands fir leading people astray. Fyi. I use the Blood of Jesus over everything in my life and my prayers are being answered. My prayer is that you go back and not just study the scriptures, but also pray and seek God on this and allow the Spirit of God to give you revelation about the Blood of Christ.
Dear Elder Cooper,
To answer your question. I don’t “use” Jesus blood for anything. That is part of my point. We can’t “use” Jesus blood in as much as we can’t do anything with it. God does, but we don’t.
You referred to the Old Testament (OT) in support of your practice, but I don’t think that is helpful. In the OT people literally took red blood and splattered it on things. So far as I know, no Christian today claims to do that with Jesus blood. So the OT practices were very different and don’t provide support for praying things about Jesus’ blood. I think one should be able to support their spiritual practices by the Scripture.
Thanks for engaging in discussion!
Elder Cooper, I wonder why people apply the blood of Jesus even over people who have not yet received Him as Lord and Savior? His blood was shed to redeem us, as an atoning sacrifice for our wrongdoings (sin). Why then do people apply it as a means of a tool against the enemy?
what exactly does it mean for you to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony accordig to ” Rev. ch. 12 : vs. 11 ?
If you read the context of the verse, it teaches that “they overcame” because of what Christ had ALREADY done. Revelation 12:11 has nothing to do with how to pray. Consider this commentary on this verse.
We need to quote the entire verse and not the part which might seem to approve “pleading the blood”…..”And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death” John is telling us about martyrs who have given testimony of their faith in Christ and suffered death.This still happens in our world.It shows we do not have some sort of “magical” protection.Paul and other servants of Jesus did suffer in many ways.They did not resort to or teach a non-biblical teaching.
Theologian Andrew, you are not spiritual. You are completely carnal. I am sure that you don’t believe in people being possessed by demons and you won’t either believe in them being delivered by prayer through spiritual warfare. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that God is Spirit and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship Him according to the truth John 4:24. Andrew, forget the word ‘apply’ and read the bible deeply by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples thus, however, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29.When Jesus sent out the 70 to some villages for healing and deliverance, when they came back the said to Him, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name”. Luke 10:17. How about the laying on of hands in Acts 19:6 by Paul. And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples 2 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”
3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?”
So they said, “Into John’s baptism.”
4 Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.”
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:1-6.
Andrew, I am sure that you are one of those who believe that Holy Spirit is — it and not He.
Well, apostle Paul said that the gospel is foolish to the carnal people. Paul laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. You are free to also write about this and dispute it. Even though that it is in the bible, I am sure that you will still find a way to counter it.
See, Andrew, we talk of practical Christianity and not theology that is full of apostasy. Empty yourself of your theological learning and read the whole of new testament by the guidance of the Holy Spirit especially the book of the Acts of the apostles.
I apply the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus are the same thing. I am sure that you don’t also believe in holy communion. It is a mystery anyway, and when you hear mystery here your mind will think of magic. Jesus told His disciples thus, do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22 read all the chapters.
Andrew, please, be a believer and make every effort to attain spirituality. we are in a journey; Christian journey. It is not a joke. Reach out to Jesus Christ. Stop analyzing how Pastor Benny Hinn prays. He will make heaven for sure. I apply the blood of Jesus might appear casual to you, but then it is not heretical, not apostasy, not a blasphemy and not a sin for sure. Just seek Christ in truth and attain spirituality and your prayer will change by the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit.
dear br. andrew, i believe you to be sincere in your basis of belief. i too at one time had such a desire to want to correct others according to God’s teaching me scripture . in my zeal i didn’t realize that what i was actually doing was hurting the ones God calls our weaker brother. i had to learn after ward that it is better to avoid disputations amongst our breatheren when i read passages in the Bible like Rom. ch: 14 concerning how God wants us to realize that we are our brother’s keeper even if we find him in error.
Thank you for your concern. I think it is quite an assumption that correcting people is “hurting the ones God calls our weaker brother” (as you say). I’m sure you would agree that there is a time and a place for correcting people (2 Tim 3:16).
My blog post on “Applying the Blood” was subsequently published in Testimony magazine. Numerous people wrote letters to the editor in response. You can read them here.
There is power power in the blood of the lamb, your post Satan use it as a tool to confuse christian that our saviour was crucified at the cross for nothing, Nothing can save satanic worshiper but the blood of lamb you can pray your little normal prayer it’s not going to work, use wishdom and knowledge in your blog don’t try to confuse Christin because that’s what you just did.
Dear Alavina, I hope you can see that I agree with you that there is power in the blood of the lamb. But I think it is sad that you think any prayer would be considered a “little normal prayer.” No prayer is little and normal it if is addressed to God.
Andrew-you should know better. You CAN plead the blood of Jesus. You need to really make sure about this before you steer people in the wrong direction. You could be judged for this. Just a thought, and pray about it. Ask God to show you this truth.
I may have said this above, but I do think that pleading the blood is less of a problem that trying to “apply” the blood, given that the latter suggests that we actually do something with Jesus’ blood. But, in either case, I haven’t yet had someone give me a biblical rationale for why we *should* plead the blood, rather than only saying that it is permissible.
With all due respect, I don’t believe that Jesus’ blood was just like yours and mine even though he was 100% human. Because he was also 100% divine AT THE SAME TIME, these two natures of His CANNOT be separated, meaning that his 100% human blood was affected by his 100% divinity. Your account misses that point in history.
I am totally opposed to this non-scriptural practice.We are children of the New Covenant and we cannot find in the teaching of Jesus or any of his apostles an instruction to”apply/plead the blood of Jesus”.In Ephesians 6 Paul tells us to put on the “whole armour of God” but no reference is made to the blood of Jesus there! In Acts we read of Paul suffering in many ways including being beaten near to death and shipwreck onto the island of Malta.He obviously knew nothing of this practice..poor Paul! Its just a way of self-assertion pretending to have power over the devil.I even heard one brother ask God to apply it to people who are not even saved yet.He moved house and he and his wife went in every room “pleading the blood” If we are saved and in Christ he exerts his Lordship in us and protects every dear child of his.We need to oppose this attempt to misuse the precious blood as Peter refers in 1 Peter 1 v19.
Arthur Williams,UK.
Oh My God!Oh My God!
I am in shock!
I have never heard such an absurd teaching about the blood of Jesus!
Anyone who denies the power on the blood of Jesus is not a true minister of God.
You have never heard of the weapons of spiritual warfare and the applying and pleading the blood of Jesus is the ultimate weapon of all?
As in really?
And by simply saying “God help my marriage” is the only way of prayer?
Isn’t it written we should pray with all manner of prayers? Ephesians 6:18 simple prayers; long prayers; spiritual warfare prayers, prayer of petition, prayer of intercessory and so on, depending with the situation and as led by the Holy Spirit?
I plead the blood of Jesus against that spirit of lies about the blood of Jesus.
May the Holy Spirit bring this revelation to you.
I am gone, never to come back to your website again!
Dear Jane, It seems you have misunderstood at least some of what I have said. To be clear, I did not deny “the power of the blood of Jesus.” I did affirm that Christ’s blood has salvific power–it cleanses us, makes us holy, and everything else that I said above.
You asked, “You have never heard of the weapons of spiritual warfare and the applying and pleading the blood of Jesus is the ultimate weapon of all?”
In answer, yes, I have heard of these things, but they are not in the Bible. And I observe that you did not provide any biblical text that refers to these things. Also of note is the fact that Ephesians 6, which talks about the “_whole_ armor of God,” does not mention Jesus blood in spiritual warfare.
From your response I can see that you are a person who cares deeply about God and your faith. I commend you for that. I hope that even though we disagree you can find that the same is true for me.
May God bless you,
Dear Andrew,
I will encourage you to stop defending yourself and seek understanding about this topic. Please ask yourself why everyone is correcting you about the blood of Jesus. Don’t you think is about time you keep quiet and ask God in a humble prayer where the problem is? Sometimes humility can be the best entrance to the classroom of Spiritual understanding. You can still be a theologian and only have sense knowledge without any spiritual insight. Please study Apostle Paul for more wisdom about how he divided the word of truth with spiritual insight….
God bless you,
Hey Andrew,
I think where you may have lost the connection to the blood and why many people are getting upset in your comments is because you have failed to truly see where the blood applies in our walk with Christ. It doesn’t talk about praying by “pleading the blood”. The last Supper, holy communion is where we “plead” the blood. When we take communion, and (should be daily), we are cleansing our souls with the blood so we can be in right standing with God.
All this bantering… yet no scriptural evidence- just opinion and a lot of puffed up speech-
Woe to you – Messiah gave us the model of prayer and it’s with a humble and contrite spirit that we should all come before the Father…
All of you who are letting your “feelings” dictate how or what to believe need to first understand that our feelings are not fact- there is no mention of people acting on feelings in scripture (none that were not condemned to death or sever punishment)… love is not a feeling but a choice – we love because HE loved us first-
Cite scripture after prayerful consideration and do so only to build the body of believers – after all we are told that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and the humble will be exalted-
Opinions are like noses everyone has one… but is it really esteeming the Almighty by sharing ours if it doesn’t build up the brethren – The Almighty can make HIS truth known and he is already beginning to shake the nations and plucking up the tares from the wheats-
This is what the devil loves that’s where he wants us all. if it would not have any Power He would not have told us to Drink of his blood and eat of his flesh
Yes exactly! He is trying to say its not right to pray so literally about the blood of Christ, yet the alord Himself has us eating and drinking it figuratively in rememberance until He comes. So how is opaying it so off base. I think he may be well meaning but out of place in his “correction” and worse than being out of place, I believe it is DAMAGING.
Liar! Jesus was pure & also His blood.
What do you even mean? He never said Jesus or his blood wasn’t pure.
If you dont agree, that is fine but name calling is not necessary. You can debate or disagree with what he wrote but calling someone a douchbag because of it makes you no better.
Very good ! I’ve never felt comfortable either praying like this many decades ago….. and ,when I hear it today I cringe just a little bit. Thank God He is so merciful and compassionate with us and our silly and religious immaturity….. and bless Him for bringing us Thur and out of it.
Good morning
Just because you do not pray like others, does not give you the right to call people inmature
We need unity and respect
Thank you
yes in old testament the blood was use to forgive their sins but the question here is why God still asked the israelite to sprinkle the blood of lamb on thekr doors isnt it redundant if they already sacrificed a lamb? you mention that there is no magic of the blood of Christ but how avout the blood of the lamb that was sprinkled? You mean to say that it is more magical??
No, I don’t mean to say that. My concern is not with the blood of the literal lamb in the OT. Rather, I’m trying to say that WE don’t apply the blood of Christ–God does. I still affirm that the blood of Jesus isl effective for our salvation, but we don’t do anything with it. Moreover, we can’t simply say we are doing something with the blood of Christ as some sort of incantation and just because we say it happens. That’s what I’m trying to get at.
Mich, the blood of the lamb posted on doors during Passover, was to spare people from God’s own wrath (plague), not Satan’s. In the same way, the blood of Christ was shed so that we may be spared Almighty God’s OWN wrath, not Satan’s. This is why we don’t please the blood over adversity in this life as though we need to ask for extra protection through the blood of Christ… That blood has already been poured out for us, to spare us from the penalty of sin… Death. Jesus never promised that this life would be adversity free, only that He would be enough. Adversity and death is defeated in the next life. The blood of Christ is not to be used as a protective spell but rather, was given to save us from eternal damnation
Thank you for your sharing, but there’s nowhere in the Bible that says we are to plead the blood so I can’t see what is wrong with saying either I plead the blood or apply the blood
I will encourage you to please reread the section in the article under the heading “Two More Problems…” I believe that will answer your question. Thanks for your comment.
Then please give us what you believe is a correct format to pray
When Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them to pray, he responded with the Lord’s prayer. I would recommend that as a general guide (not formula) for how one should pray.
Luke 11:1-4: Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As He finished, one of His disciples came to Him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Jesus said, “This is how you should pray: “Father, may Your name be kept holy. May Your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation.”
Matthew 6:7–13
[7] “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.
[8] Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. [9] Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
[10] Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
[11] Give us this day our daily bread,
[12] and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
[13] And lead us not into temptation,
Greatly appreciate your teaching on this subject.
This post is absolutely blasphemous and you should be fearful of the judgement of God. The blood is powerful! 1st Peter 1:18. Demons TREMBLE hell TREMBLES AT THE MENTION OF THE BLOOD!!!
I agree that Jesus blood is powerful. I said this explicitly in the post. However, maybe you could explain, how does 1 Peter 1:18 supports your statement? I don’t see anything in that verse about demons or about mentioning the blood.
Then why take communion? If there’s no value in pleading the blood of the lamb of God, are you claiming that God’s blood has limits?
Hi Mr. Gabriel. I appreciate your post.
The teaching I had when growing up was more pleading the blood of Jesus for protection. The scripture they would often refer to was based off of Exodus 12:7. As I have gotten older I am looking back on some teachings being a “spiritual practice/tradition” vs scriptural. I know there is power in the blood of Jesus and I appreciate the scriptures you referenced. Thank you and have a great day.
Please sir , the blood of Jesus was not an ordinary blood like yours and mine because his birth was not according to the will of men. For this reason it had no attachment of sin and has the power that makes it unique.
Applying the blood of Jesus Christ is the same as pleading it . Revelation 12:11 tells us that believers overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, or confession. So, when Satan comes to attack in any area, you plead the blood of Jesus. When He tries to tempt you, you plead the blood. When he tries to bring fear or torment, you plead the blood.
The term “pleading the blood” might sound like begging, but it isn’t begging at all. “Pleading the blood” is actually a legal term. Think of it like a lawyer pleading his case before the judge. He presents evidence and facts to support his case.
Our evidence?
The blood of Jesus covers it all.
Another way to describe pleading the blood of Jesus is to apply the blood to a situation in our lives. There’s protection in the blood. There’s deliverance in the blood. When you plead the blood, you have laid down your case and put your entire confidence on an oath that is covenant-sworn by Almighty God.
I totally agree that Jesus was without sin.
Nevertheless, Revelation 12:11 doesn’t say that we do anything with the blood of Jesus. It doesn’t speak of pleading or applying the blood of Jesus. The verse has nothing to do with how to pray. If you read the context of the verse, it teaches that (firstly) “they overcame” because of what Christ had ALREADY done, not because they applied or plead the Jesus blood. Consider this commentary on this verse: https://books.google.ca/books?id=eqtLBQAAQBAJ&lpg=PR1&dq=revelation%20commentary&pg=PA257#v=onepage&q&f=false.
You cannot overcome the evil one simply because of what Jesus already did. God is a gentleman. God gave us choice and freewill. Jesus’ death is not going to save us unless we repent. We don’t overcome once and for all, at our point of salvation.
Joshua didn’t walk into the promise land, sit on his bum and and enjoy retirement. He fought and overcame his whole entire life! He did this not in his own strength but in God’s and by obeying how God told him to overcome each city. It was the promise land, but he had to take it little by little.
We know that satan wins in the end but until then we can’t sit on our bums and enjoy the ‘good Christian life’. There is too much at stake. We are saved at our point of salvation but there is so much more than salvation. Our fight is not of this world like Joshua but of the spiritual realm. So we have spiritual weapons to drive out the evil one and overcome him in every area of our lives but we must use them!
However, we choose to use these weapons or not, in every circumstance. They are readily available to use but God is a gentleman.
Satan isn’t scared of Christians who sit on their bum, don’t pick up their spiritual weapons and allow the devil to invade every area of their life while they appear holy and spiritual and may even attend Church.
Truely pleading the blood of Jesus will make the demons shake and flee. I have experienced this firsthand!
Hi Sarah, Thanks for your comment.
I note that Ephesians 6, which talks about the “whole armor of God,” does not mention Jesus’ blood in spiritual warfare.
Andrew, dude, Ben is right! Why are you fighting a spiritual matter with fleshy thinking! No one “pleads the blood of Jesus” as a “mystical power” or in some superstitious manner! It’s a matter of putting the devil and his demons on notice and making them aware you know they have no power or authority to harm or touch a child of God, and that the power of blood of Jesus is our salvation, protection, cleansing, healing and renders them useless/ ineffective in their plans to destroy us, God’s children. They can’t come across the blood of Christ. The blood of Jesus paid it all: salvation, healing, cleansing, protection. You are hung up on verbage and symantics. Why are you splitting hairs over the wording being used in another believers prayers? If you disagree then don’t use that wording. But there is plenty of biblical basis and backing for pleading the blood of Jesus! If you want to limit your walk with Jesus and live a less victorious Christian life that’s your business, but you should not confuse or belittle the revelation God has given countless other believers. You have a form of Godliness, but deny to power to save! The Bible teaches us to pray that the eyes of our heart be enlightened and to ask God to remove the scales from our eyes. We (in our human thinking and understanding) see through a glass dimly. This is why God told us to pray the former. Do you not think out of all these countless devoted Christians who are in relationship with Christ that the Holy Spirit (who is our teacher in the ways of God) would correct those countless Christians that “pleading the blood was wrong and to stop It feels as if you a very narrow view of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ; you’ve decided to put God on a level your human thinking and understanding can handle. You should study the original Hebrew. Many things will become clearer. You also can’t throw out the OT just because we are NT Christians. We are under Grace, but how God worked and felt does not change. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He changes not. There was reason why God told the Hebrew children to put the blood of the lamb on the door post. Had simply sacrificing a lamb been enough, God would not have told them to apply the blood of the lamb to the door posts. God does not tell His children to do things without a just and right cause! You need to understand context and rightly divided the Word.
@Anonymous- Once again I have someone telling me that there is “plenty of biblical basis” for this practice, but without offering any biblical basis.
Ironically, you suggest I “deny to power to save,” where I explicitly state that the blood of Jesus is powerful and does save us. Indeed, that is my point. The blood of Jesus is about God saving us, not something we can do with the blood of Jesus.
You want to verify pleading the blood from scripture. I applaud you for valuing scripture so highly. There are many Christians who do not let the scriptures get in the way with what they believe. But, I disagree with you about the nature of Christ’s blood. I believe the blood of Christ contained the DNA of God. That is what made His blood supernatural. That is why His blood washes away our sins, and why there is healing in His stripes (Isaiah 53:5,, 1 Peter 2:24). You say there is no scripture for supernatural blood of Christ, but where is the scripture that His blood was JUST natural blood. How can we be saved by the natural blood of Jesus throughout the ages.
I will continue to plead the cloak of Jesus blood over me. I combine this “thought” with the prayer to St. Michael. It brings me comfort when facing fear. Prayer is PERSONAL. You pray your way. I’ll pray mine.
It is blasphemous to say that Jesus’ blood was not special, that is was just like ours. Of course it wasn’t just like ours. He didn’t have an earthly father. He was conceived supernaturally in the womb. His blood was supernatural, divine. Physcially he was not fully human.
Yes, he LIVED like he was fully human, experiencing every pain and joy,sorrow and hardship, weakness and temptation, just as we humans experience. He experinced what it is LIKE to be…fully human, but his physical makeup was not.
That is why his blood is so utterly unique, divine…special. The Bible didn’t instruct us to apply the blood over our lives specifically but it didn’t say not to either, therefore, it is not wrong to do so. If it was, then the Israelites were wrong to apply the blood over the doorpost.
This metaphor of blood of protection over our lives is a wonderful reminder, just like taking communion, of the power of the bllood of Jesus and the protection it offers.
I would encourage you to discuss your views about Jesus’ humanity with your pastor.
Wait you come here with your views and now you want the brother to discuss his views with his pastor. That’s rich.
Hi Bmarie,
Rosa’s response includes explicit statements that reject historic Christian orthodoxy. Technically, this means they include heresy. I’ve already suggested as much in my post, so I don’t expect Rosa to find any response from my convincing. As a result, I suggested Rosa talk to her pastor because I’m hoping she will actually listen to her pastor.
When Pilate said, “I am not guilty of this man’s blood” he was referring to Jesus’ death.
I squirm when I hear people pouring Jesus blood over everything – including the world.
Dude you sound like a idiot who is misinformed about Christ.
Sir. He cannot be misinformed, he claimed he is a theologian. But, what kind of theologian is he?
There is something special about blood in General, we would not have life without blood.
The life of the flesh is in the blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, Nothing wrong with reminding God of Jesus sacrifice and our desire to see our sins in Remission.
Dear Andrew,
Our God is not a God of confusion.
I will not change my perception about the Blood of Jesus Christ because it has protected me in many occasions before and I will always use it as my most powerful tool against the enemy. Everything about Jesus is His Blood that makes me and you Christians. My parents taught me about the Blood of Jesus Christ and now that I am saved I understand the power of the Blood even better than before and the significance of the Blood spiritually.It is breathtaking that someone that claims He knows Jesus says,” Do not apply the Blood over everything and plead for it …”…very confusing…I know some people do use it unnecessary at times…but come on right from the beginning of the OT , the covenant always entails the blood,the conditions and the seal and the application of the Blood. The blood of Jesus Christ is our Salvation.
Why would I now throw out the Blood of Jesus Christ and not use it for my everyday life applications which is the most precious thing of our Lord Jesus Christ and my precious gift from God?
Did he shed his Blood for you and Use/Apply it as the atonement for your sin in faith? May you ask the Holy Spirit to teach you more about the Blood of the Lamb. I did not study theology but I know the power of the Blood in faith and if I apply it how the enemy flee from me in the spiritual realm. The same blood will be my salvation into heaven one day .
May our “Daddy” give you wisdom on this topic.
Thank you so much for this teaching. Please pray for me as I teach the same word. There is a lot of doctrine out there, that say we can, but the word are taken out of context. Again this blessed my soul, and it gave me strength to stand on the truth of the gospel and know how to rightly divide the word of truth.🙌
Well if you put on the helmet of salvation and salvation only comes by the blood of Jesus Christ then we have to apply the blood of Jesus. He was killed on the place of skulls or galgotha which also indicates that the blood is covered over the mind or skull. God isn’t all about head knowledge but heart revelation through the holy spirit.
I totally agree with your last sentence.
I strongly disagree with that .your minimizing the power of the Blood .Yes we can apply the Blood of Jesus Because we have a revelation of its power .In whom we have redemption through the blood .EPH 1.7 COL 1.14 WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY. REV 12.11DID YOU CATCH THAT? THE WORD BLOOD AND WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY ARE IN SAME SENTENCE THERES YOUR SCRIOTURE scripture for “applying” the blood . WE have every right as blood bought children of God to claim its power in our lives over our lives our bodies our past over anything. Make much of the Blood of Jesus. That’s a slap in his face for you to tell people not to apply his Blood . U need to be careful in THIS FALSE teaching ,your very wrong with this theology. And also very weak to the enemy. .
As I indicated in my blog post, I agree that there is power in the blood of Jesus.
A few people have mentioned Revelation 12:11. If you read the context of the verse, it teaches that “they overcame” because of what Christ had ALREADY done. Revelation 12:11 has nothing to do with how to pray. Consider this commentary on this verse. (https://books.google.ca/books?id=eqtLBQAAQBAJ&lpg=PR1&dq=revelation%20commentary&pg=PA257#v=onepage&q&f=false)
I agree with Anonymous’ post, and I would like to add further commentary.
The Revelation 12:10-11 verse is beautiful and instructs the saints that we do not overcome the devil via our own strength. We do not, and cannot, overcome justifiably so, via our own will power, natural abilities, or anything earthly. And we are told how overcoming is obtained: By the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony (of our experiences of salvation by Christ), and loving not our lives even unto death.
This is how the saints overcome the accuser (Satan) who accuses the saints day & night before our God.
Andrew, it seems, is being both legalistic and dogmatic in a bad sense. So how do the saints overcome (present tense verb) the devil by the blood of the Lamb?
Active Faith is always a key ingredient, would you not say? Faith in what? Faith in Christ and what He has done for us. Part of the long story is that He shed His blood for us, and it’s even probable that the Ark of the Covenant with its Mercy seat, where the Levite priests would put blood for the atonement of the Jews (see Leviticus 16:14) was miraculously beneath the cross when Jesus shed His blood which ran down through the cracks of the ground into the Mercy Seat, thus fulfilling in a most direct and incredible fulfillment before the Father.
Ran out of space.
Thus, overcoming by the blood of the Lamb is something the saints do against the accusations of the devil. What is being instructed here?
What does that “doing” look like, Andrew? What does it consist of?
It must be something active and overt. Andrew mentioned this verse, but seems to forbid saints from taking hold of this bible verse and using it in their prayers:
Heb 12:24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
As saints, we not only have access to God because the veil has been torn, but we are also priests of God, a royal priesthood. And if saints call upon the facts and doctrines of what God has done for us, we not only participate and give testimony to the angles and the world of God’s wondrous deeds, but who’s to say that this cannot be enrolled by the brethren to battle against the devil?
I hardly believe that God is going to nit-pick the saints for their calling upon the Truth with faith.
As you already know, I believe Rev 12:11 allows recognizing the truth that the Lord’s blood is what grants us victory against the devil. If Christians’ vernacular uses “I plead the Lord’s blood” as a statement of faith, I cannot find fault.
Greetings to you professor Andrew. hope all is well with you and your family. I have read your post titled” stop applying the Blood of Jesus” and deeply got concerned with your life and that of the flock coz you are danger if no intervention is made Hebrews 10:29. First of all every thing that pertains to the kingdom of God is taken by faith but later evidence is seen. Hebrews 11:1 /Roman’s 10:9-10/ 10:17/ephesians2:8-9. then after you haven taken a step in faith you do something to see the results. Faith without actions is dead James 2:26. Christ our Lord said that we should hear His words and after do them Matthew 7:24. so you hear the word about the Blood of Jesus and apply it then it works for you. if the Blood of Jesus cannot be applied even the rest of the gospel is not true.
There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark like. 2 cor 4:4
yes ,you might be learned but it may not add up in this respect. That worldly wisdom may not help you or be used to understand Spiritual matters 1corinthians 2:10-15/1 Corinthians 3:18/ James 3:15 / Proverbs 16:25/John12:40/Isaiah 5:21./Proverbs 3:5-7. so brother you are heading to doom if you do not change your attitude about the Blood of Jesus in that post of yours
please don’t accept to be blinded by the devil’s lies at this last minute.
I urge you to make haste and help your self, family and the flock by completely deleting that post and repenting before the Lord God. Then after that take time to study &learn thoroughly about the Blood of Jesus and do it. Mat the Lord God abundantly bless you in all.
Just saw this on FB today, and it reminded me of this post:
Continuing our study on ‘Pleading The Blood’ today we will focus on Activating the Blood.
Speaking Scriptures activates the Blood of Christ. To walk in victory , your words must agree with what the Blood says. The Blood of Jesus always speaks the Word. But, what are YOU saying? Are you speaking the promises of God? Or, are you saying things like, “What am I going to do? “I don’t know how I will make it through?, “The doctors say there is no cure for this disease”. When Jesus said “It is finished,” He announced to the world the supreme sacrifice had been paid. Satans hold was finished. Now the promises and blessings of God are available to us and anyone who comes through the Blood Jesus. ‘Pleading the Blood’ is not begging God to do something. It is not a statement of unbelief and fear. Pleading the Blood activates what happened through the Blood of Jesus on the cross. It is asking God to provide what Jesus’ Blood has already purchased. It’s a statement of FAITH about what happened at Calvary. The Azusa Street Mission and Revival, contains stories where people came to receive healing. William Seymour, a leader in the Azusa Street Revival
Would “Plead the Blood” over the sick. They were healed AND received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. SOOOO, ‘JUST BREATHE’ and ‘Plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself and all our household.
Tomorrow we will address PASSOVER and why ‘Pleading The Blood of Jesus’ is SO Critical in 2020.
Given the appeal to Seymour, I assume this came from a Pentecostal or Charismatic source. I find it VERY interesting though that they are appealing to tradition, rather than to Scripture. And really, in the end, it is a pragmatic appeal–“it works, so you should do it.” Personally, I think God is gracious and sometimes responds to all kinds of odd prayers and declarations. But just because God responds graciously, doesn’t mean he never thinks our prayers are sometimes a little strange 🙂
Andrew this is classic, I have dealt with this mindset for years, here you have people trying to let their experiences interpret the scriptures, instead of allowing, scriptures interpret their experience.
I respectfully disagree with the statement Jesus’s blood was the same as yours and mine . Jesus did not receive his blood from Mary . The blood comes from the Father. Jesus’s blood was sinless , which is why he could die for us . Ours is not .
The Bible does say that Jesus was sinless, so I suppose one could conclude his blood was. But I wouldn’t really say my “blood” is sinful as such–rather I am sinful as a person. Likewise, I wouldn’t say my skin or hair is sinful as such.
What in the Scripture leads you to conclude that Jesus blood was unrelated to Mary’s? Unless he didn’t have an umbilical cord, I don’t see how it is possible that he wouldn’t have shared his mother’s blood.
As you shared in another response Andrew, there is much we don’t know re:- the make up of Jesus’ blood but there is one thing we can know for sure, the bloodlines of man are not in it. Meaning Adam’s seed.
Its not just to do with his blood being sinless, but Him being concieved by the Holy Spirit. Nobody would refute his blood being half Marys. But is seems youre denying the other half? His blood which was found on the mercy seat was studied be a separator and indeed it is not “usual blood”. But this is not how we are praying it anyways. Its a prayer of FAITH. God honors the faith in Jesus and his sacrifice! And yes Revelation says by the word of our testimony and the blood if Jesus. Seems like theres so much wrong in your article on so many levels. It reminds me of that scripture that says they have a form of godliness but deny the power. I think people in your kind of doctrinal belief do alot of “denying”. You want to be as literal as possible. Which makes it hard for you to open up to things in the spirit, and matters of faith. God doesnt operate in literally everything. He operates in mysteries above us! And honors a prayer of faith. Not oh you prayed this way so its wrong I have to disqualify this one. Reminds me of those people in public always using policy on everyone rather than kindness. I think the Lord would correct you here.
@anonymous. You are misreading me.
First, I did not deny the power of the blood. I said the opposite.
Second, I did not disqualify anyone’s prayers. I believe God still hears them and even sometimes responds the way people want.
But that does not mean that some prayers are problematic. And I have explained above a couple of ways that they can be.
Scientific study now shows that none of the Mother’s blood goes to the child . Jesus never received Mary’s blood at all . The baby makes its own blood cells and in this case directly from Fathwr God!! The blood of Jesus !! We don’t see the trinity on the bible but we Know the trinity is just a word for Gid the Father, God the son and God the Holy Soirit!! It’s all revelation and some things can’t be explained! God is not the author of confusion and this isn’t correction or reproof this is causing division. Pray for revelation knowledge not just natural wisdom the Word is Life and Power and God can protect His Word . He doesn’t need any of us for that . I plead the blood of Jesus over the people of God that they may be covered by His precious blood now and forever more ! Amen .
I will say that I also disagree, but one thing that gets me with this article is at the beginning the blood is just human blood. However at the end you describe the blood as being powerful. Do you know any other human blood that is powerful? If his blood is powerful i would think that it has to be different than just human blood. I also think that you take it to mean to physically apply the blood, of course we can’t do that. To me to apply the blood means to recognize the power that is in his blood and pray for it to cover what ever situation we are facing. Without the blood the gospel doesn’t mean anything.
Hi Ryan,
I appreciate your observation. My claims do indeed sound contradictory, don’t they? But, here are a couple points to ponder:
-In the OT, there was literal, physical, blood of normal animals that resulted in atonement (e.g. Lev 17:11).
-We can speak of the “power of the cross” (1 Cor 1:17-18), but at the same time the cross Jesus’ died on was just a normal hunk of wood with no particular spiritual power.
The way you have described “to apply the blood” doesn’t have the same problems as the understanding I’m responding to, because you specifically speak of it as a “prayer.” That is very different than thinking one can simply control it. Nevertheless, I’m not sure we need the blood to “to cover ” situations. Do you see any examples like that in the Scripture?
As you describe the blood is powerful, don’t we cover our situations with the power of the Holy Spirit? To me blood and the power mean same thing! When I think of pleading the blood I think of using the power that is within the blood to deliver, heal, save, etc.
Wow!!! It’s funny that I just ran across this blog. I’m a theology student and I was looking for information about the blood of Jesus for my research paper. I had to stop reading the comments halfway through because there were so many. Its saddens me that so much of what was said in the blog was taken out of context. I know it is difficult for many of us to grasp the concept of sound biblical teaching verses our personal experiences or traditions, but it is something we all have to do.
I would never want to hurt or offend anyone, nor would I blatantly want to minimize experiences in prayer, but I would if I knew that my brothers in Christ were not seeing the picture clearly. It’s Dr. Gabriel’s duty to teach sound biblical doctrine, and when we have missed the mark, it’s our duty to turn around, forget about what we thought we knew and accept truth.
Thanks for the clarity Dr. Gabriel greatly appreciate what you’ve revealed.
Thanks for your encouragement, Camille. I’m glad you found it helpful.
I certainly don’t mind when people disagree with me. And they will often give me reason to pause and think. This is good–iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17). But it bugs me when people assume I’m unspiriitual or have no real relationship with God simply because they disagree with me. But anyway…
I find your original post very helpful. Thank you! I am an elder in a “quasi-charismatic” (lol!) non-denominational church, affiliated with the Southern Baptist – New England convention (yup, quite a mix). I am starting to realize that there are some streams of “doctrine” that flow through our church, of which I am much more aware of now than in the past, which blend charismatic theology and practices with those that come from “another gospel,” commonly referred to as the “prosperity gospel,” which in my opinion at a minimum belittles the sacrifice of our Lord and attempts to shove the sovereignty of God to the side. It is quite troublesome to me, and I find myself in the tension between “exposing” the false doctrine and practices, and loving my brothers and sisters. But I cannot stand still too long. The “pleading the blood of Jesus” is relatively innocent compared to the “poison” that has been brewed in the US of A, and is exported to the rest of the world from the “word of faith” movement. If find myself agreeing with the apostle: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8-9)
Prayers appreciated!
I found the original post very informative. It is something I was wondering about for some time.
I believe in Acts 17:11, study the scriptures to see what is being said is true. Needless to say I did not find an answer yet.
In my search regarding “Pleading the blood” on everything, I came across a Myles Munroe teaching -blood covenant. In it he also states that there is.no scripture reference to pleading the blood.
Sometimes its hard for us people to Repent from our old thinking, & accept the truth. This was also evident in some comments where claims were made about what u wrote, which was not said (ie. Stating the power of the blood: atonement, healing,..)
To me, the angels protect ie. Ps 91; Jesus telling Pilate He can command anfeks to fight for Him.
May God continue to bless you.
Jesus is the Word of God, before Abraham was born I Am, Jesus is Emmanuel, God become flesh, Jesus is the Lamb OF God. His blood is a mix of Mary’s human blood and Gods eternal blood. Jesus was fully human and fully God. If his sacrifice was only human, he could not forgive sins as only God can forgive sins against God. Jesus carried the sins of all creation.
Collosians 1:19For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, 20and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.
The blood of God is the eternal cleansing agent to wash away sin and guilt. And it is the blood of christ which has authority overall because it is a legal seal of the holy spirit.
Hi Jeff, Thanks for your comment. If what you say is correct, I think you have made a strong case that we can’t do anything with Jesus’ blood, and, therefore, that we can’t apply Jesus’ blood. After all, how could we do anything with “God’s eternal blood.”
Having said that, is there something in the Bible that leads you to conclude that God has blood? Most Christians would agree that God does not have a body, and, therefore, does not have blood.
Hi, thanks for your article. I agree with you. I checked the “blood” references in the New Testament. The blood refers to Christ’s sacrifice, to His death. The result of that is the forgiveness and cleansing of our sins.
Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,
Is it anti-biblical to say “Be covered with the blood of Jesus”?
Thank you
Who is right or who is wrong?
At the end show me your fruits? Mathew 7:16
Jesus is king
Hi Aramis, Such a prayer is certainly not in the Bible, so it isn’t biblical. But I would add that, yes, I do think it is anti-biblical, in the sense that it is contrary to the fact that the Bible only ever describes God as doing anything with Jesus blood. Therefore, we can’t say “be covered” with Jesus blood. Also, as stated above, the Bible describes the redemptive effects of Jesus blood, and we can’t save anyone, so it would make little sense (to me) for US to say “be covered” with it.
I thank God for you Andrew and the insight He has given to you. Also, the ability, and burden, to minister to others. To God alone be the glory!
en X,
i come from a traditional Church background, after getting saved in 1973 and baptised, I found myself gravitating towards the Charismatic movement and learned a lot of good things that shaped my thinking and walk with God, however over the last couple of years, I began to query a lot of what I saw and heard and felt the Holy Spirit starting to shift my thinking as I saw a lot erroneous teachings coming the Charismatic movement, checking the word to see where in the word it actually says what they claim it to be and found a lot that was false. it is easy to take any scripture and create a whole doctrine out of it, when not viewed in it’s full context of what God is saying through the writer. I practised when praying the use of claiming and praying the blood of Jesus over everything, as I have looked at the scriptures i found nowhere is there any instruction in the New Testament to do so, not once in the prayers of Paul do we see this and there is no instruction from Jesus Himself in any of the Gospels. I have stopped this practice, and feel no guilt about it or conviction to repent from having stopped the practice. The danger is that we make the blood more powerful than God Himself it is He who save and protects us.
Blessing I enjoy your posts they helpful,
I believe the term “apply the Blood of Jesus” comes from Exodus 12:13. When the blood of the lamb was applied to the door posts as instructed, the death angel passed over, hence The Passover. I know it does not say Jesus specifically, however we know Jesus is the Lamb of God. His blood is precious (1 Peter 1:18-19) Sometimes God gives one revelation in how to pray or what to say in prayer.
I would also add we have to be careful with personal convictions vs. biblical convictions, Romans 14 (Romans 14:22). We must be sure that we don’t put our personal convictions on anyone without consulting God first.
Yes, Exodus would be one of the main passages that people would get this idea from. However, there God actually did instruct one group of people to apply literal blood to their doorposts. By contrast, Christians in the New Testament are never instructed to apply literal or spiritual blood to anything. At the same time, as you mentioned, yes, Jesus blood is precious and he is the Lamb of God who has come into the world to take away our sin (John 1:29).
I heard a Christian I loved use the term “cry the blood” once and it threw me in a quandary for nearly 40 years. I questioned whether I was disrespecting my Lord by not pleading His blood.
My journey has gone something like this…
First off
How does God view the blood? As an agent for His purposes how does He apply it. The Israelites physically applied it once and ultimately their faith in its application led them from slavery into the promised land. The blood was shed once but whether a stiff necked people wandering in the wilderness or a remnant willing to cross the Jordan by faith to beat their giants and imbibe their milk and honey, by the leadership of Joshua no less, they were a redeemed people.
We know that all blood sacrifices from Adam and Eve on pointed to the perfect sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus and when His blood was shed it was the end of bloodshed. The shedding of Christ’s blood through faith in His blood procures a right standing with God, Sonship, the destruction of Satan’s power over us and a High Priest who will never die, ergo no remembrance of sin, no cities of refuge etc. Everything we need has already happened and a living man at the right hand of God is our confidence, the worthy Lamb. Faith doesn’t look to the curse it looks to the victory in He that liveth and was dead and behold He is alive forevermore. When I see my Lord alive I abide in Him knowing that my Father who led me to Him delights in declaring His worth. In fellowship with God I rejoice to reciprocate to my heavenly Father the worth of my beloved, God’s Son.
Secondly we need to understand redemption. Our Savior’s blood was shed as a ransom, the price for our redemption. Trust in this and by the leading of the Holy Spirit we can avail ourselves to the Redeemer who by His power can deliver and protect us because He lives.
All day every day. The power in the blood is the authority of the Lamb. The cross and all that it entails was once for all time but the testament of its veracity is in the resurrected Son. I believe in the power of the blood because He lives. I cry to my beloved and I know he hears me. I know he hears me because He loves me and gave Himself for me.
There is nothing common about Jesus blood but Satan didn’t get scared until Jesus rose from the dead.
The heel of the woman bruised the serpent’s head.
Oh His person and His name with all His ascended glory is the power of God in our lives, the shedding of His blood led to His power over death and the prince and the power of the air.
Look to the blood if you must but I see the Lamb once slain from the foundation of the earth and I rest in Him.
Thanks for sharing, David.
This was great, easy to understand and a much needed reading. Thank you for sharing this.
Theologian Andrew, you are not spiritual. You are completely carnal. I am sure that you don’t believe in people being possessed by demons and you won’t either believe in them being delivered by prayer through spiritual warfare. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that God is Spirit and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship Him according to the truth John 4:24. Andrew, forget the word ‘apply’ and read the bible deeply by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples thus, however, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29.When Jesus sent out the 70 to some villages for healing and deliverance, when they came back they said to Him, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name”. Luke 10:17. How about the laying on of hands in Acts 19:6 by Paul. And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples 2 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”
3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?”
So they said, “Into John’s baptism.”
4 Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.”
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:1-6.
Andrew, I am sure that you are one of those who believe that Holy Spirit is — it and not He.
Well, apostle Paul said that the gospel is foolish to the carnal people. Paul laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. You are free to also write about this and dispute it. Even though that it is in the bible, I am sure that you will still find a way to counter it.
See, Andrew, we talk of practical Christianity and not theology that is full of apostasy. Empty yourself of your theological learning and read the whole of new testament by the guidance of the Holy Spirit especially the book of the Acts of the apostles.
I apply the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus are the same thing. I am sure that you don’t also believe in holy communion. It is a mystery anyway, and when you hear mystery here your mind will think of magic. Jesus told His disciples thus, do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22 read all the chapters.
Andrew, please, be a believer and make every effort to attain spirituality. we are in a journey; Christian journey. It is not a joke. Reach out to Jesus Christ. Stop analyzing how Pastor Benny Hinn prays. He will make heaven for sure. I apply the blood of Jesus might appear casual to you, but then it is not heretical, not apostasy, not a blasphemy and not a sin for sure. Just seek Christ in truth and attain spirituality and your prayer will change by the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit.
How can you say Benny Hinn will be in heaven? Scripturally he will not. We know them by their fruits. Jesus said even if you cast out demons in my name, etc. He will say depart from me I never knew you.Unless Benny Hinn repents and renounces all his false prophesies made over the years, returns the money he has stolen from merchandising the gospel and robbing widows and orphans, he will no way have eternal life with the Father. He is a heretic and false teacher. I am saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit and read the Word of God daily, so please do not tell me I am not “spiritual enough ” to say these things. I have many flaws, so I am not being prideful, but I can see a false teacher and Benny Hinn fits the bill.
Jesus Christ shed His blood to cover the sins of the whole world, but only those who accept the blood will be forgiven. Only when we accept the blood sacrifice will we be accepted. And only by the proper application of the blood of Jesus can we be covered with His protection and all the other blessings available to us.
No matter how wonderful and powerful the New Covenant may be, it is only through the application, in faith, of the promises that you see results. This is true in every area of life, including finances. This is crucial, especially during times of crisis and uncertainty!
What a great teaching.I have not been ok at all when people use the blood of Jesus over material things.I knew deep down in my heart that it is wrong.Thanks to God my thoughts have been satisfied
Jesse, I’m glad you found this helpful.
Hi, how would I tell someone to stop doing this? The vast majority of the church today is so far off of correct Biblical doctrine. I’ve heard people do this but I decided to look up what does the Bible say about this, like I do everything I hear. It must line up with scriptures or it’s false. Thank you for the excellent article. Want to know what you would tell someone who does this false doctrine.
Hi Eileen, Often times the best way to discuss such things is by asking the person questions. For example, you might say, “Where do you see prayers like this in the Bible?” Or, “Could you explain to me why you pray this way?” But do so in love, and legitimate curiosity.
I have been thinking about this subject a lot lately. I seem to keep reflecting on the Jews saying “Let His blood be upon us and our children.” Not a good thing. I seem to agree with you on most of your points about this and am going to read all the comments when I have time, as I really want to know the truth. I agree that “pleading the blood” is nowhere found in scripture and I do not see anywhere where we are to pray this way. I t does seem to have a “mystical” flavor to it. One point I would like to mention, however, in response to your statement that His blood was “fully human.” His body was fully human, but are you aware that a baby does not receive any of the mother’s blood? The placenta separates the two. His blood is supernatural, from the Father.
But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. (Hebrews 9:11-12, NKJV)
“Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you” (Exodus 12:13, NKJV).
And on the Day of Atonement, the blood was sprayed seven times in the Holy of Holies (Leviticus 16:15), foreshadowing the way Christ’s blood was sprayed seven times:
His body, in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Luke 22:44)
His beard and face. (Isaiah 50:6)
His head, from the crown of thorns. (Matthew 27:29)
His beaten back. (Matthew 27:26)
His hands, nailed to the cross. (Psalm 22:16)
His feet, as the nails were driven in. (Psalm 22:16)
His pierced side. (John 19:34)
The Bible points again and again to the costly sacrifice of the blood of the Lamb:
But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. (Hebrews 9:11-12, NKJV)
Jesus Christ shed His blood to cover the sins of the whole world, but only those who accept the blood will be forgiven. Only when we accept the blood sacrifice will we be accepted. And only by the proper application of the blood of Jesus can we be covered with His protection and all the other blessings available to us.
No matter how wonderful and powerful the New Covenant may be, it is only through the application, in faith, of the promises that you see results. This is true in every area of life, including finances. This is crucial, especially during times of crisis and uncertainty!
The Bible does say much about Jesus blood and our redemption, and I have indicated this above. But you will surely not find anything in the Bible about Jesus blood having anything to do with our finances.
Applying the Blood—Then and Now
Thankfully, more and more believers throughout the world are discovering the power of applying the blood of Jesus. And it is more crucial now than ever for us to understand how to apply it.
I’ve already mentioned that during the Passover the children of Israel were commanded to take a branch of hyssop and, by faith, apply the blood on the lintel and two side posts of their houses.
Job did exactly what God instructed him to do under the Old Covenant, and God placed a hedge around Job (Job 1:9-10), showing that the blood covers these five areas:
Your house and family
Your possessions and property
Your endeavors
Your influence
Job regularly made a sacrifice and applied the blood (Job 1:5), and the results echo throughout history.
So must we do under the New Covenant, but the sacrifice has been made once and for all through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.
However, there is a major, life-changing difference. In the Old Covenant, the blood was applied with the hyssop plant. In the New Covenant, we apply the blood by speaking it and through prayer.
The apostle Paul said, “We also believe and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). Just as the Bible says we have “the power of life and death in our tongue” (Proverbs 18:21), our words—especially as we pray and apply His Word to our lives—are the applying force.
The faith-filled believer’s voice is a powerful weapon of war as we appropriate all the benefits of the cross of Jesus Christ, including redemption, cleansing, reconciliation, sanctification, forgiveness, protection, access, dwelling in God’s presence, and ultimately victory!
When you apply the blood, the anointing follows you, your house and family, your possessions and property, your endeavors, and your influence!
It is only under the blood of Christ Jesus, through faith, that believers can be victorious because we are free and safe from the enemy.
Apply and activate the blood through your voice as you pray, make faith-filled confessions, and speak God’s Word, His Scriptures, over your life.
More than ever, we must understand that believers are given God’s promise of protection and favor through applying Christ’s blood to every area of life!
God desires the best for you. No matter what is happening in your life today, He wants to build a powerful legacy.
Apply the blood! Pray! Confess the Word!
Because you are a covenant believer, God has promised to care of you, even when you face challenges, as you trust in Him.
Dear Edmund, It looks like you have copied and pasted this from somewhere. Just because people quote the Bible a lot, doesn’t mean they are right–just think of all the people who disagree with me (ha ha 🙂
I would encourage you to read the Bible verses that are quoted there for yourself. I think you will find that they don’t make a very good case for applying the blood of Jesus. For example, Job killed animals–literally. And he didn’t put any blood on his children. And the 2 Cor passage and Proverbs passage have nothing to do with blood whatsoever.
I wish you well as you seek to follow God faithfully!
Shalom man of GOD
Your article about pleading the “Blood of Jesus”, I’m of the view that it is either lacking substance or misdirected. I am speaking from a novice point of view, I am a baby within the confines of verse 2 of Psalms 8.
I can’t present any sound theological reasoning except for what the LORD said to me in an audible VOICE 2 years ago, that HE was sending me to tell the whole world that to date HIS BLOOD still works wonders and that people are desperately opting for the physical objects or things which are tangible and visible, disregarding or paying less attention to the sacrifice of CHRIST through HIS death on the Cross. HE further said to me it pained HIM so much, when we are complacent concerning that part of HIS sacrifice.
Now, my question is, was I hearing a lying spirit, or I definitely heard GOD, which I believe the latter.
Sorry, I had omitted my name not reading that I’ll be seen as anonymous, I don’t want to appear as anonymous as if I have a sinister motive. I therefore decided to repost In such a way that my names will reflect.
Your article about pleading the “Blood of Jesus”, I’m of the view that it is either lacking substance or misdirected. I am speaking from a novice point of view, I am a baby within the confines of verse 2 of Psalms 8.
I can’t present any sound theological reasoning except for what the LORD said to me in an audible VOICE 2 years ago, that HE was sending me to tell the whole world that to date HIS BLOOD still works wonders and that people are desperately opting for the physical objects or things which are tangible and visible, disregarding or paying less attention to the sacrifice of CHRIST through HIS death on the Cross. HE further said to me it pained HIM so much, when we are complacent concerning that part of HIS sacrifice.
Now, my question is, was I hearing a lying spirit, or I definitely heard GOD, which I believe the later.
Greetings Seth. That’s certainly a fair question! Note that I never said that Jesus blood doesn’t work wonders (your words). In fact, I said it is powerful. For example, it justified us (Rom 5:9). That is what the Bible says. However, I would add that the Bible never says that WE can do anything with Jesus’ blood, only that God can. Thanks for the comment. Bless you!
Your a wolf, turn from your sin of heresy to God and trust in Christ crucified alone and not in your good deeds or the torments of hell awaits, theres nothing NOTHING wrong with applying the blood of Jesus, your just convicted by the blood of Jesus, simple prayer become more advanced prayers as we grow in our relationship with Christ, the more we pray to God in Jesus’s name the more the Holy Spirit adds to our prayers, the more we read mainly the kjv bible by the Holy Spirits interpretation not mans, the is added to our prayers, yes simple prayers is sometimes all we can do, but we must make time for longer more Pacific prayers to God in Jesus’s name, the God of Israel and of the bible not of religion, ty Jesus
Hmm…I’m not sure why you think I’m trusting in good deeds. I trust in Jesus and how he shed his blood on the cross for me! Thank God for his grace!
This has been an interesting topic of conversation for a while. The instruction to place the blood upon the doorpost was much needed at that time and in some much needed situations in these times we need to apply the blood of Jesus. I don’t believe it’s being done as something magical. Hebrews12:24, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than Abel. There’s life in the blood and in prayer I believe what is meant when the blood is applied is to make reference to the atonement and to speak on our behalf. The shedding of Jesus blood has made a way for us. My righteousness, wisdom and smarts can’t do it so I’d prefer the blood to. Hebrews 7:25 Jesus lives to make intercession, how’s that being done? Father remember my blood that was shed. Jesus, son of David have mercy on me!!!!
All the same, “Can I Hear An Amen” is not biblical.
Yes u can ask God to applied over areas of our life.Didnt he take our sins away by his blood.Created within us a new heart.Are u are doing is trying to make the blood of little value and a christain life.
Andrew I enjoy your posts, and I learn from different perspectives. Your comment about the blood of Jesus “was not special” surprised me. You’re correct that there is nothing “magical” about its nature, but there is something about its “nature” which is absolutely different and essential. Its origin, is of God. Therefore sinless. It’s not a co mingling of sinful DNA. Mary being a virgin does not convey a sinless birth. Mary needs salvation as do all of us, “that which is born of flesh is flesh.”
So it is hardly “common” it’s unique, holy, untainted, and the precious blood of the God/man. But it’s not an idol as in the Roman Catholic ritual which has no biblical foundation at all. Thank you Jesus for your obedience to give your life for us even to the death of the cross!
The blood of Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13) and His blood has given us access to the Holy Place (Hebrews 10:1-19). Therefore, there is no more sacrifice or applying the blood because it has already been applied 2000 years ago. When Jesus breathe his last breath on Calvary. He said it is finished (John 19:30). Amen.
Thanks for the short but insightful message. Hope people catch this truth and freetgemselves from this occultic or unblibical practice spreading through many churches
Thanks for your comment. It made me laugh because you agreed with me. I’m used to people trying to tell me how unspiritual I am, etc., for thinking such things 🙂
Good Sir:
I thoroughly enjoyed your article about “pleading,” or “applying” the blood of Yeshua. Fairly early in your article you make the observation that Yeshua’s blood was the same as our blood, the blood of a 100% human being. Yet, at the end of your article, you state:
“Recognizing this, one can rightfully say that Jesus blood is precious. And his blood IS POWERFUL.” You then go on to enumerate exactly how his blood is powerful. In all honesty, I find this to be a contradiction of your earlier statement that his blood is the same as ours, which it was. In spite of what you actually wrote, I choose to believe, based on the heart and character of your entire article, that what you really mean is that the LIFE of Yeshua was (and is) powerful. It is the quality of his sinless life that is powerful. His blood is powerful only insofar as it supplied the life to his flesh. The Bible is silent regarding any, “…power in the blood of the Lamb.” I remain, Richard-Wayne: Fry
Thanks for the comment. I can see why this might appear to be a contradiction. I tried to explain what I meant by “powerful” with the various Scriptures that I listed at the bottom of the article. For example, Romans 5:9 says we are “justified by his blood.”
Ever heard of your faith has made you whole.. Do not in your beliefs hinder one’s faith in their beliefs in God. You cannot separate the Bible to suit one’s belief as Adam was of the old Testament, Christ is the Adam of the new testament. I apply the blood because of the power in the blood; for we overcome by the Blood of the lamb in Revelation, and Exodus 12 is where Blood is applied and application brought deliverance. Our application of the Blood is not use doing the work of the Blood but declaring the works of the Blood into our lives. If one believes that they will be healed from some newly found disease you cant state because there was no such in the Bible, they are wrong to believe in God for such healing. Theology is great but spiritual insight leads for further spiritual growth. Dont let your message be filled with wisdom of the world as found in James
Thanks a lot.you are clear.what about covering your property
I believe we can certainly pray for God to protect our property, but, again, I don’t see any way that we can apply Jesus’ blood to anything, including our property.
You are teetering on blasphemy when you say “Jesus’s blood was not special.” How many people do you know that literally has God’s DNA and blood coursing through his/her veins? You ended this with listing all of the ways His Blood is special. So I’m not sure you even believe your argument.
When we stand before Him we better have His perfect Blood applied to us, or we won’t be entering in.
More ways His Blood not only “was” special but IS special!
My debt is paid, once and for all
“So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.” (Hebrews 9:28)
I am justified
“Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. “ (Romans 5:9)
I am forgiven
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7)
I am spared from God’s wrath
“Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. “ (Romans 5:9)
I am being spiritually healed; one day even my flesh will be replaced with an incorruptible body
“…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sin, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” (I Peter 2:24)
I am spiritually alive
“Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.” (John 6:53)
My judgment has been satisfied and I am at peace with God
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
The bloodstream of His people Israel will be purged
“For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the Lord dwells in Zion” (Joel 3:21)
I am cleansed
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7)
I have the power to overcome the enemy
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
I am no longer under the curse of the law
“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”).” (Galatians 3:13)
I have been reclaimed from the enemy
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7)
I am no longer a stranger to the covenant of promise
“…that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:12-13)
The final act of public expiation has been made on my behalf
“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” (Leviticus 17:11)
I have been moved from the enemy’s kingdom into the kingdom of God
“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 2:15)
I have gained the unmerited favor of God
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7)
I have been declared righteous
“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
I have been justified (just as though I had never sinned)
“being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed…” (Romans 3:24-25)
I am able to come close to God
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:13)
I can participate in the sweet communion of remembrance of His sacrifice
“Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.” (Luke 22:20)
My redemption will never perish
“Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1:18-19)
Jesus testifies on my behalf that I am clean
“…and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings[ and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (Revelation 1:5)
I am free
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1)
I am protected from judgment
“that you shall say, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice of the Lord, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our households.’” So the people bowed their heads and worshiped.” (Exodus 12:27)
I am freed from a conscience defiled by guilt
“let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10:22)
I am no longer condemned
“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1)
I have been separated from the world and declared holy (wholly) to God
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)
I can proclaim total victory
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
I can enter boldly into the holiest of holies…and live
“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10:19-22)
I have further revelation of who God is
“who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high…” (Hebrews 1:3)
If you want to walk Separately from His Blood, that’s your choice, but please don’t tell others they should deny the power of His Blood!
Hi Patricia,
I am afraid that you have misunderstood me. I certainly never told “others they should deny the power of His Blood!” (your words). In fact, I said as much in all caps 🙂
Also, I wonder what you might mean when you say God “literally” has DNA. It seems to me that would make God eternally a physical being.
Thank you for this article. I have spent many years teaching a very similar message and have found a considerable resistance to it.
Have you researched the origins of the practice? From what I can see it seems to be a uniquely Pentecostal/charismatic problem, but I’m interested to know where it first appeared.
I haven’t tried to trace its historical origins, though I did have someone tell me they read about it in some early British Pentecostal literature. Of course, no matter how old it is, that doesn’t make it right 🙂
I agree, a thing being old deson’t make it right, but a practice that is only around 100 years old and completely unknown in Christian literature before that has a high probability of being wrong!
Brother the Bible tells us that we would do greater things than Jesus. Which ones are you doing. The simple man is applying the blood of Jesus. At least it’s a start, stop crawling and take the first step. Remember the mind cannot comprehend some of the things God is laying ahead of us.
Mark 16:17 says in Jesus name shall we cast out demons , if we say the blood demons would scoff ,but when we add the name of Jesus then things happen ,being a 2nd generation deliverance minister ,we have to use the name of Jesus .
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
If the blood of an animal saved Israelites from the angel of death, how much more the blood of Jesus. Theologians is supposed to understand the deep things of God. But to know the deep things of God cannot be achieved by simply “conceptualization” only but by “actualization” also. Yada in a hebrew word for “to know.” It does not just speak about having concept but by having an intimacy. The problem of theologians is when he tries to understand the Scripture without consulting the One who originated it-the Holy Spirit.
Dear Anonymous– you are making quite the assumptions. Knowing the Scripture and the Holy Spirit is not an either or thing. Otherwise, one shouldn’t bother to try to know one of the two!
The blood of Jesus is spiritually applied to our lives when we obey the Gospel. It is a work of the Spirit, not us. We can’t apply the blood ourselves, but God can. The scriptures says that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from our sins. This cleansing “application” of His blood happens throughout the salvation process when we obey the Gospel through repentance, water baptism in Jesus name, and when we are filled with His Spirit.
Yes, indeed.
Thank you for clearing that up. I was getting confused with this latest trend of claiming the blood, it never felt right to me as His blood is given for the redemption of sin. God bless Amen
After repentance and the soul is cleansed with blood of Jesus Christ, one becomes a new being and sanctified, and by extension anything in contact with him/her is cleaned and protected by the same blood.
My understanding of this: I was in a congregation that so easily would plead the blood, and one day I prayed that way and The Holy Spirit impressed on me sharply these words “What are you doing with my Son’s blood?” I was shocked. Then the revelation: His blood is on the Mercy Seat, where it paid the price for the sins of the world. I never said that prayer again..
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1-7
Please explain
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1-7
Please explain
I agree wholeheartedly… God bless
Very good explanation. I’ve never found biblical support for this terminology of applying the blood of Christ. Seeing some Baptists use this language and it bothers me.
Thanks, Manfred. I’m surprised to hear that some Baptists are adopting this language. I suspect it is due to the charismatic influences.
When I was a young child and would get sick, my mother would “plead the blood of Jesus” and God would hear and heal me. Don’t tell me it does not work!
Hi Prentice, To clarify, I’m not suggesting that “it does not work.” In fact, in my concluding sentence I stated that “I’m sure God is gracious enough to hear the prayers of those who try to” apply the blood of Jesus. But I don’t think truth is determined solely by “what works.”
HONESTLY SPEAKING; The things of Christ is a conviction; and not convincing someone; The Blood of Christ is living and shall never looses its power,
It’s Biblical; the Blood of Jesus of course is special; because it washes away sins of a man; ; he came through Flesh; but He was God; because of people who are arguing on this subject.
Simply became Flesh so that human beings can believe in him; and died; and rose from the dead.
Clearly his Blood is Special.
Andrew.. I respectfully disagree!
Jesus’ Blood is the purest and most powerful Blood of all! He was crucified!
Could you endure that and do that for us?
Jesus never sinned! He shed His Blood on Calvary’s cross to accomplish many things! Including Perfect Health! By His stripes we are Healed!
He came to give us Life and Life more abundantly!
Does your Blood do that?
Be very careful…
In fact, I would suggest that you repent
for saying that Jesus’ Blood is not special.
He was born of a Virgin.. immaculately conceived!
His blood was shed to save our souls from an everlasting life in the pit of Hell!!!
You seem to be suggesting that anyone could have done that and the results would be the same
“No one Gets to the Father.. but Through the Son!”
So if we said “In the Mighty Name of Andrew” the results would be equivalent to Jesus?
Since you believe that our blood is the same as Jesus…Our Blood should have the same power if we use your name?
So In Andrews Name…
Then what?
Does speaking no weapon formed against me shall prosper serve any purpose Andrew?
Satan cannot hear our thoughts… We must speak Gods word.. so Satan can hear what God says protruding from our own voices!
Pleading the Blood of Jesus creates an invisible Hedge of protection… whereby many miracles have been encountered.
Go on Youtube and see the phenomenal stories of those that pled the Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over many things and the miracles that took place.. Tornados that skipped over homes where the Blood of Jesus was declared over it… wolves that died on a property when they crossed the Blood line that was spoken Over the property line.
Try it Andrew… i think you will have a change of heart! I pray you do!
Jesus is perfect in all His ways!
So i shall side with that of the words of God!
God said Andrew.. I respectfully disagree!
Jesus’ Blood is the purest and most powerful Blood of all! He was crucified!
Could you endure that and do that for us?
Jesus never sinned! He shed His Blood on Calvary’s cross to accomplish many things! Including Perfect Health! By His stripes we are Healed!
He came to give us Life and Life more abundantly!
Does your Blood do that?
Be very careful…
In fact, I would suggest that you repent
for saying that Jesus’ Blood is not special.
He was born of a Virgin.. immaculately conceived!
His blood was shed to save our souls from an everlasting life in the pit of Hell!!!
You seem to be suggesting that anyone could have done that and the results would be the same
“No one Gets to the Father.. but Through the Son!”
So if we said “In the Mighty Name of Andrew” the results would be equivalent to Jesus?
Since you believe that our blood is the same as Jesus…Our Blood should have the same power if we use your name?
So In Andrews Name…
Then what?
Does speaking no weapon formed against me shall prosper serve any purpose Andrew?
Satan cannot hear our thoughts… We must speak Gods word.. so Satan can hear what God says protruding from our own voices!
Pleading the Blood of Jesus creates an invisible Hedge of protection… whereby many miracles have been encountered.
Go on Youtube and see the phenomenal stories of those that pled the Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over many things and the miracles that took place.. Tornados that skipped over homes where the Blood of Jesus was declared over it… wolves that died on a property when they crossed the Blood line that was spoken Over the property line.
Try it Andrew… i think you will have a change of heart! I pray you do!
Jesus is perfect in all His ways!
So i shall side with that of the words of God!
God said so!
God Bless and keep You Andrew!
I plead the Blood of Jesus over you and all you love! Which serves as a hedge of protection over your perfect health, finances, Career, family, home, properties and assets!
In Jesus Mighty Name!
If you go back and look at the context, when I said that Jesus blood is not special, I only meant that it was fully human blood. If we deny this, we deny that Jesus was fully human, and that is clearly unbiblical and heresy.
BUT, to this I would add that Jesus is fully God–and if we deny this, it is unbiblical and heresy.
So, to answer your question, no, I am not Jesus, so I could not save you 🙂
I will add that I’m not suggesting that “it does not work.” In fact, in my concluding sentence I stated that “I’m sure God is gracious enough to hear the prayers of those who try to” apply the blood of Jesus. But I don’t think truth is determined solely by “what works.”
The power of the blood audio book by Andrew Murray on YouTube. And then write this again.
I don’t understand how so many people, like yourself, seem to have misunderstood the post. Did you read it? I explicitly affirm the power of the blood of Jesus.
Sorry but don’t agree with u at all. Jesus blood is POWERFUL. God gave me a dream where he showed me it was. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family every morning and when I don’t I get attacked mentally, like there is a difference. You may have a PhD but that doesn’t mean u are correct. Plz stop lying to people. Remember there is a judgement day. God bless
Yes, I agree Jesus’ blood is powerful, as I wrote in the blog post itself.
This is a strange and rather pointless article. It certainly doesn’t point others closer to god. So what is your point here? I also find your responses to some people’s comments to be rude. Is this really edifying?
I do give the writer of this article credit for allowing people to share their many truths and not erasing the posts he may disagree with. It shows that the truth is not one way. The truth has many strands woven together like a fine silk web allowing people to come together to hear the many truths which expands the mind to a higher mind. I know hearing everyone’s views has taught me alot.
Every prayer in the bible was said as a command of faith not of asking. I.e. “Lazarus Arise!” There is nothing wrong with pleading the blood of Jesus as it is in his blood that gives life as the blood is life in all living people. If this helps strenghthen faith (which is necessary in a relationship with Jesus), why are you opposed?The bible does state to ask and it shall be given. You sound like a phd athiest. Do not destroy the faith of others as a teacher for the penalty in the after life is severe.
Awesome information and we’ll explained! Thank you.
In addition, we are imperfect beings influenced in mind, body, and emotions by demons and evil spirits. Most humans have dark attachments on them that negatively influence their lives (anger, hate, sickness, bad thoughts and actions etc…) By pleading the perfect blood of Jesus, it cleanses us and what ever we plead it on from the dark entities so we can access our heart to feel and express love which is the Infinite One True Living God LOVE IS THE KEY. In this evil world we need Jesus (to remove the evil) so we can access the one true infinite God…which is pure Love. When we express love, it cancels darkness. So plead the blood of Jesus over our nation…the world. Lets fight lucifer and reclaim our life!
Mike Winger (Calvary Chapel minister in California) addressed this on his Q&A today
I appreciate the point he made about how the blood of Jesus is about salvation and how we don’t have the power to apply salvation to people.
The Blood of Christ was given to save us from the wrath of Almighty God, not Satan. Therefore, when people begin applying the blood of Jesus over houses, cars, family or adversity etc, it has nothing to do with any of that! Again, it is God’s OWN wrath that the blood of the Son covers us from, nothing else. Christians are misguided using it as a protection prayer. The penalty for sin was death. That is what we are saved from via Christ’s blood.
We are not meant to use The Blood of Christ as a spiritual warfare tool of protection against the devil. Why? Because the blood of Christ was shed to save us from Almighty God’s OWN wrath, not the Devil’s! Let that sink in… The penalty for sin was death. Jesus shed His blood to save us from that penalty, to save us from the Father’s wrath. Even when the blood of lamb was painted on the door frames of houses during the Passover in the Bible, that was God’s wrath people were being spared from. So we need to stop using the Blood as some magic spell over everything and understand whom we were spared the wrath of!
The blood of Christ was shed to save us from the wrath of Almighty God, not Satan! Applying the blood of Christ to adversity or spiritual warfare is not biblical because it was never Satan’s wrath that the blood was shed for…rather, God’s OWN wrath. Even during the Passover where blood of a lamb was painted on each door frame, this was to save people from the plague from God. Christians have it back to front. It is God who already covered us in His blood, to save us from the penalty of sin; death! We were never promised that this life would be adversity free, just that Jesus would be enough!
It is in fact the life that was in the blood. The holy ghost. We can apply the token of the Holy ghost. Jesus said it is finished when he gave up the ghost. Then just like Adam’s side was pierced so was his. Then the bride came forth.
Thanks Andrew. I really enjoyed that article. It was clear and precise and most of all a hundred percent biblical.
Thanks Andrew for these great insights about the application of the blood of Jesus, the Church really needs teachers in such times as this more than ever before. This reminded me of Mathew 22:29 where Jesus told the Seduces that they error because they didn’t know scriptures….Stay blessed.
Pleading is simply a legal term used in presenting a case. And that is how I present a case to Jesus.
I am pentecostal, too, and I plead the blood. No, the terminology “pleading the blood” does not appear
in the Bible, neither does “rapture” or “trinity”. Pleading the blood of Jesus works for me! Nothing will
work for people who don’t believe it.
Hi Verna, The concept of pleading the blood is less problematic to me, as it does not imply that we do anything with Jesus’ blood, but only an appeal to what Christ has done. By contrast “applying” the blood implies we can do something with Jesus’ blood.
In any event, whether or not the word “Trinity” is in the Bible, the ideas are clearly there (more on that here: https://www.andrewkgabriel.com/2021/10/21/pentecostals-trinity/). By contrast, there is nothing in the Bible that would suggest that we should apply or plead the blood of Jesus. One could make the case that we could plead the blood for our salvation, since that’s what Jesus’ blood does, but not for other things like protection, since the Bible no where suggests that Jesus’ blood protects us. BUT, we can of course pray for God to protect us either way!
I pray God continues to keep your faith strong in him.
Further to my earlier comments, I really think you theologians get too carried away with your so-called “deep” learnings. We simple people just meet God on a simple basis and He hears us and answers us. Tell me, have you ever just crawled up on Papa’s knee in the Spirit and talked with Him?
Revelation 12:11
King James Version
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11 does not teach that we can apply or plead the blood of Jesus in our current situations. If you read the context of the verse, it teaches that (firstly) “they overcame” because of what Christ had ALREADY done. The verse has nothing to do with how to pray. Consider this commentary on this verse.
This might be one of the dumbest articles I have ever read. Please prove to me Jesus was God. It does not say that in the bible. Most logical people know the blood is symbolism. People are not applying Jesus’s blood. How can one get his blood. Please, stop this nonsense.
Wow. Thank you for this, sir. I was perplexed just this morning, for within one of my prayers, I’ve been saying these words…yet as I searched from scriptures to back them up, everything pointed to just what you said! That niggled my mind for a moment, and as I continued to search for those scriptures, I came upon your post. Makes so much sense!
I understand completely now. It is like, we’re not to be using “the Blood of Jesus” as some talisman…
Gabriel, Jesus Christ is the one who sprinkles his blood over whoever chooses. The blood of Jesus is for the life people not things.
I agree. There is no need for anyone to go pouring even more of the blood of Christ onto the earth. No need to put any blood on anything or plead any blood – no more sacrifices needed. What was done is already done. We just need to have faith in Christ and be obedient. Those people wanting to shed even more of Christ’s blood are just sadistic! It makes no sense to me.
What most people need more of is faith. The Bible talked about walking on water, and having the faith to do that. So perhaps water is more important than blood! Walking on the Earth is good as well.
I see the difference that was intented to debunk the pleading the blood vs applying the blood..scriptures are meaningless if we take out the blood…Jesus said to drink it…the old testament was prep work to understand priestly roles of applying the blood…now see Jesus in the role and how he extends those whom recieve the blood. ROMAN 3:24-25.. We could work through anything with our own words and thoughts…but dont forsake the word…by the way.. can we really be excessive about Jesus and his blood? Hebrews 9:22 points out everything be cleansed by blood…the context reaches to things that receive forgiveness In the temple what God made holy was what He said was to be covered. Otherwise what purpose does it have with the sacred place..Jesus’s blood is powerful…He is and was fully human and God..so His blood wasnt just ordinary…then what difference was Jesus vs the rest of us…Jesus is God and his blood will work where He allows it..not where we force it…no more than i can pray to manipulate Him…That is where we must realize it is wrong for us to control others just as much as if it were God! So how we pray or apply the blood or Jesus still comes back to what does scripture say and teach us?
Thinking bibically about everything to include our tradional sayings can be extremely uncomfortable and it may take a bit of time for some. I believe that it is the will of God that every believer grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ no matter how young or old we are. Thank you for being gracious in your reply to those who are struggling with what you wrote in this article.
Out of all the nasty things spoken out there, and that need to be corrected of believers even, this is what youre going ro come after? Speaking about the blood of Jesus in prayer? I think the Lord would rebuke you Himself.
First of all youre wrong about the blood of Jesus being normal.
And 2nd, people are usually saying “Plead the blood of Jesus” over people and all situations. Thats basically a prayer offered to thr father that have on behalf of that covenant on which basis is thr blood of Christ which is ABSOLUTELY powerful. I feel this articoe is sacriligious and disrespectful, and you should get on your face and repent for writing such a thing.
People do speak silly prayers sometimes. Or are pious. We have scripture for that. The Father judges a prayer not you. How is is not pious and prideful to write an article to judge the validity of someone elses prayer?
Im sure the devil would live this erroneous doctrine to be spread around.
To clarify, “speaking about the blood of Jesus in prayer” (your words) is not wrong.
Also, as I’ve mentioned in comments above, I think that pleading the blood is less of a problem that trying to “apply” the blood, given that the latter suggests that we actually do something with Jesus’ blood. At the same time, we don’t find anyone “applying” or “pleading” the blood of Jesus in the Bible.
The blood of Jesus is Holy. As a medical professional I understand that within mary her blood or human blood did not mix with Jesus- blood neither do human mothers’ blood mix with their human baby. each child has its own blood system and blood supply created by none other than God. If Jesus had blood like ours then it did not qualify to wash us clean of all our sins. Look up the science.
The blood of Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law. Under the curse was everything that affected Our Lives so the Blood has redeemed us from all those same things. yes the blood of Jesus applies to everything that could ever touch Our Lives including sickness and finances. The Curse applied to everything. the Redemption through his blood also applies to everything.
And yes, the Israelites we’re commanded by God to literally and physically apply blood. That is our shadow to do the same thing now.
I will be praying for God to Enlighten you about this very powerful and absolutely necessary truth for a Christian to walk in. I pray that you will not hurt others by this article simply because you have not received the revelation of this very powerful truth from God. God bless you.
You suggested that the OT practice of literally applying blood “is our shadow to do the same thing now.” I would point out that you are assuming this to be the case and the Bible never suggests that we should do so. Rather, the “law has but a shadow of the good things to come” in Christ (Heb 10:1). In other words, they are a shadow of what Christ accomplished for us, not what we are supposed to do with his blood.
I agreed with everything you said except that well two things, the blood wasn’t an Atonement or covering for sin that’s an old covenant term that’s not actually used in the New Testament only propitiation which is more than a covering but a complete removal, 2ndly God never made a covenant with humans that’s why the first covenant because they could never keep it! He made it with His son Jesus, He made the promise to Abraham but cut the covenant with his seed singular Christ
There is some scholarly discussion over how to best translate the Greek word “hilasterion” (and associated forms) with the result that some Bible translations have “atonement” in the New Testament (e.g., NRSV) and others don’t (e.g., NASB).
The best answer for all of these because it has caused so much confusion is ask the holy spirit to reveal it to you. Surely, the Holy Spirit will reveal it clearly. Remember, all of us only know in part. We do not need to receive this if it’s not a revelation to us. I always take every revelation and ask the Lord to show me. Sir, I respect what you wrote here. I always approach it this way in Ephesians 4:13 “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” So let us all see it like Paul did. God bless you!
The Bible may not say anything about applying the blood of Jesus. But when you pray you’re talking to God.. when you apply the blood of Jesus over yourself or anybody else it’s more like a protection cuz the blood that was shed is powerful like the name of Jesus is powerful demons tremble at his name. The blood of Jesus heals by his stripes we are healed. I guess it really depends on the person who’s praying and his faith that he has in the blood that was shed for his life that makes the blood of Jesus powerful. So you can keep praying your simple little prayers. It’s like having a two minute conversation with your spouse once a day. Would you do that to your spouse how can you build a relationship with a two minute conversation once a day,? I’m pleading the blood of Jesus over your car is ridiculous maybe over the people that are in the car for protection over the enemy.
Your reference to “simple little prayers” illustrates what he was saying in the blog post.
Certainly, it’s just cultural, not biblical, for us to “plead” or “apply” the blood. But as you said, God’s grace can cover those prayers. Culture and language aside, the principle is making a declaration. The fact is that part of living in this world is experiencing attacks from the enemy. The blood of Jesus is sufficient, but without our faith, belief, and recognition of our authority in Christ, we grant permission to attacks. Words don’t have to be perfect, but the principle is recognizing the blood of Christ is victorious. If someone believes the blood isn’t sufficient until they’ve spoken some magic words, that’s one issue– but it’s a heart issue, not a words issue.
Thanks for the insight. One question should we pray for cars since they didn’t have cars in the Bible…little far fetched I know. I think as people pray “the blood of Jesus overs _______” is it not just another way of asking Jesus to “cover the situation”. That’s how I have prayed it, not wanting fairy dust but just words used to pray Jesus cover something.
Yes, I imagine some people mean things like that, even though their words suggest something more.
But, to answer your question, I think the Bible supports praying about inanimate objects, so I see no problem with people praying about their car.
Thanks for this common sense article. It made me rethink a prayer I have often prayed. I see now that we were just repeating what we grew up with. Like with other pentecostal traditions and customs we need to recheck what the bible actually says.
I appreciate your openness to reevaluating such things. As you will see in the other comments, this is not an easy thing to do!
The bible says let God be God and all men be liars. Yeshua Hamashiach be God all man be liars. The bible says that the secret things of Yeshua Hamashiach Belongs to God. Whether using the blood of Yeshua Hamashiach or not is biblical or not that is God to reveal that to us. What ever situation we find ourselves and we believe only on Yeshua Hamashiach he can reveal to you what and how you can pray. What types of relationships and ours level of relationships we have with him that how he realist his power to us. The blood of Yeshua Hamashiach is live and active.
REV.12: 11 : And they overcome him by the blood and the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.
So let the Blood of Yeshua Hamashiach resurrected, let the blood of Yeshua Hamashiach re-energise,revitalise, reactivate and revive all dead potentials and spiritual gifts within me. For you to use the blood of Yeshua Hamashiach and to understand the meaning of is death you are not just having general knowledge you have to have deeper
relationships with him and ask him to take
you deeper. Did God Almighty call him believers Christian. . As for me i am not Christian I pray that Almighty God will help our understanding. Because the bible says that my people are perish because they lack of knowledge. O Lord my Father my father help us to understand you more as an individual so that we can partake of your sufferings. The reason Yeshua Hamashiach came is for us as an individual to have relationship with him so that he can reveal himself to us. Does the bible tell to used the bible as a song.
Let Yeshua Hamashiach be Yeshua Hamashiach and all human beings a liar. In Yeshua Hamashiach Name and AMEN.
I am a child of Yeshua Hamashiach so i am a believer not Christian.
Nice one, but I don’t think there is any big issue in applying the blood of Jesus into all areas of my life, if it’s working for me. And I don’t think people should be discouraged from applying it as they are not committing any sin through it. And saying that Jesus’ blood was not special is an aberration.
I would suggest that we not decide on what we think is true only by “if it’s working for me.”
Your idea of the blood of Jesus is very very WRONG..
It is written…
Rev. 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb…
Heb. 12:24..And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
Lev. 17:11, For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.
Habakkuk 2:4, “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.”
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
What this means is that, even though we have no direct evidence for something, we can have faith that it is true anyway.
So, the fact that you don’t have faith in prayers involving the blood of Jesus, does not mean it’s not effective.
I’m very sure you are not the one answering the prayers, so it’s wrong for you to condem praying with the blood of Jesus. Your understanding of the nature, power & efficacy of the blood of Jesus is restricted to your physical mind, that’s why you are preaching against it, or you just want to confuse those who don’t study their bible..
As christians, we are free to plead the blood of Jesus, anytime, anywhere.. Because, it is part of our spiritual weapons to overcome the devil & his agents.
Hi Ola, It seems clear to me that you are serious about your relationship with God. I commend that. At the same time, I will note that none of the Bible verses that you mention support your conclusion that “we are free to plead the blood of Jesus” and that “it is part of our spiritual weapons.” It just isn’t there, unfortunately. But it is hard to give up on human traditions sometimes.
I don’t agree! Speaking in the negative about the Blood of Jesus is a trick of the devil.
The blog post says nothing “negative about the blood of Jesus.” If fact, it affirms it is powerful!
This teaching has generated from self-centered will of human and not from the Holy Spirit.
I told someone that pleading the blood of Jesus was not Biblical and they said it is in the Bible. No it is not …They got angry and said I was CAUSING A DISTRACTION. IT IS NOT IM BIBLICALLY AT ALL
I have had many significant deaths in a short period of time, my Mom died of cancer, my dog died, a friend died, a family friend died and the last losses was a brutal murder of two beloved Christian neighbors. It really feels as if I/we are under spiritual attack. On Saturday I was sitting in my garden praying to God to keep us, our home and our animals safe. i was thanking God that even in all this tragedy and loss, there are still beautiful moments, like sitting outside, watching my cats play. Not even an hour after this prayer, my beloved cat who has been so instrumental in my grieving process, who brought light and joy in the private lonely moments of heartbroken grief where people often fear to tread, this cat kissed my tears away, made me laugh with her outrageous antics that I thought that she was sent by God to help me through these times in a physical, not spiritual way. When I couldn’t get out of bed, she made me get up. An hour after my prayer, she was viciously mauled to death by a dog just outside the fence and if there was one more second, she would’ve gotten away. It was such a freak accident, right in front of my eyes. I know my help comes from God, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth and in Jesus Christ, He’s only begotten Son, who died on the cross to save us. It feels like the devil is just waiting outside my door and I am not understanding why God didnt send some intervention. Its like everything is being destroyed and my prayers are null and void.
Hi Peter, Matt here from NZ!! I know everyone’s comments are actually agreeing to disagreeing whether or not Christians should or should not use the Blood of Jesus to use against Satan in these last days or just to use the Blood of Jesus to drive out evil forces from people’s lives. My personal take comes from Revelation 12:11. I believe if we are up to come against the lies of this world today and to stop governments push worldly ideals in our society today, then I do believe that the Blood of Jesus CAN BE USED POWERFULLY, not in any magical sense, but used scripturally against every ideal and lie that Satan is doing in our generation today. There are people today who don’t know what is happening on a world wide scale and what is happening in a biblical world view. I do believe when believers and Christians alike use the Blood of Jesus on any situation, Satan has no option, but to flee and to leave our bodies or health’s or whatever issue the enemy is doing in today’s society today.
Brother in Christ
Hi Matt. Thanks for contributing to the discussion! I’m curious, in your mind, what would it mean to use Jesus’ blood “scripturally”?
I pray you reconsider what you are saying. Please see world news today! Look up the time of redemption is now. Fast and pray, take time with God. May the Lord of Host guide you.
“The Overcoming Power of Jesus’ Sinless Blood”
In my 49 years of ministry, I’ve come to see a vast array of perspectives and beliefs. I found myself in agreement with Andrew K. Gabriel on certain points, especially when it pertains to the application or pleading of the blood. In all my years, I, too, have never applied or pleaded the blood in the manner some might suggest.
However, when Gabriel mentions that there is nothing special about His blood, I must diverge from this viewpoint. Jesus’ blood was not ordinary. It was sinless. Leviticus 17:11 (KJV) states, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” The life force of any living being is found in its blood. Yet, only Jesus carried blood untainted by sin.
The difference is monumental. No human has ever possessed sinless blood except for Jesus. This very essence of purity means that His sacrifice was unparalleled. The Scriptures affirm in Hebrews 9:22 (KJV), “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” The gravity of this statement is immense. If the blood of Abel, as righteous as he was, still echoes in the annals of time, imagine the magnitude and the reverberating voice of the blood of Jesus Christ.
This isn’t merely about religious rituals or mere symbolism. The power and significance of Jesus’ blood relate directly to overcoming fear and the tactics of the devil, Satan. Satan understands the potency of Jesus’ blood, which is why he perpetually attempts to downplay its significance or twist its meaning. Yet, those who recognize the power of the sinless blood of Jesus can stand firm against the wiles of the devil.
The New Covenant, as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, is founded upon the blood and body of Jesus. As the book of Luke 22:20 (KJV) says, “Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” It’s a profound testament to the everlasting covenant God has made with us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, while I respect differing views and interpretations, the undeniable truth remains: Jesus’ blood is unique, powerful, and the cornerstone of our faith. It’s through this understanding that we can truly appreciate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the lengths He went to so that we might be saved from our sins and the clutches of Satan.
Dr. Michael H. Yeager, Ph.D. and D.D.
Thanks for the article of facts
I was troubled that people believed that how you applied the blood of Jesus is Only through baptism in Jesus name I was disturbed so I research and found truth in your teachings thanks very much
Is it satanic?
Below is the scripture I see people reference as ‘evidence’ for applying the blood of Jesus on things, places or events in life. But there is no basis since clearly the blood was used so the wrath of God would ‘pass over’ you, not for protection against danger, Satan or disaster. Not one person that supports applying the blood of Jesus can back it up with even a single bit of scripture that is in context.
Exodus 12:12-13
’12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.’
The moment he said that Jesus blood was nothing special I immediately new that a demonic entity inspired this post. I now rebuke and plead the blood of Jesus against this false message.
You may have misunderstood my post. When I said it wasn’t special, I meant that it was fully human blood. To deny that is to deny historic Christian teaching regarding his humanity.
Also, if you continue to read the post, you will see that down below I stated, “Jesus blood is precious. And his blood IS POWERFUL.” Amen?!
You say the following, but how do you not know that Jesus’ blood is not more than just mere human blood (physical matter) that had decayed 2000 years ago and does not still have supernatural power and characteristics or essence that was released from His body to be given to us on an ongoing basis to eternally accomplish washing away our sins, healing our bodies, creating a new righteous man within us (born anew)? If Jesus was God and man at the same time he could have had an eternal form of blood as his spirit was eternal and his body became eternal as resurrected. You so much as suggest that with the following and you cannot prove this is false… “Recognizing this, one can rightfully say that Jesus blood is precious. And his blood IS POWERFUL. It
Frees us from sin (Revelation 1:5),
Justifies us (Romans 5:9),
Redeems us (Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19),
Gives us confidence to approach God (Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:19), and
Cleanses us and makes us holy (Hebrews 9:22 and 13:12, 1 John 1:7).
I do want to say that any person who is being spiritually attacked in their house, Satan hates every believer talking about the blood of Jesus. This is the Weapon we must use if we are going to overcome sin, or other life’s issues and battle today.
I believe Scripturally that we can use the blood of Jesus, over health issues etc, and to tell Satan to leave our houses, workplaces etc
Christians, we have to tell Satan, his game was lost when Jesus died for everyone on the cross, and his precious blood was shared for everyone. Let’s use the Blood of Jesus, as a spiritual weapon to destroy the enemy in these last days.
Brother in Christ
Hi Matt, thanks for sharing your perspective. To clarify, could you explain why you believe “Scripturally that we can use the blood of Jesus”? Where do you see that explained in the Bible?
Hebrews 9:14-15 declares that because of the blood and the work of the Cross, we who are called will receive the promise of eternal inheritance, which includes our protection. Also YESHUA or Jesus was not fully human, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit did not have a human father. Only Mary who was the vessel to carry the son of God. Yeshua is Lord God and Savior. And he came to be human to live in the flesh in this world to bring us the good news and his word and ministry. So yes you can declare the blood of Yeshua for protection.
The author of the above comment did not include a name or email address attached to the comment, so I don’t believe the author will see this. BUT, for anyone who reads the comment I will note:
1) The passage from Hebrews does not say that.
2) The idea that “Jesus was not fully human” is a heresy that the church has rejected for centuries: https://zondervanacademic.com/blog/docetism.
Gabriel you are deceiving people by telling them that it is not biblical. Well my friend it is there are many other scriptures that also speak of the blood to be used for protection and as a weapon here are some of them the first one is I said on my first reply is in Hebrews 12:22-24, 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 , Rev 12:11 ,Lev 16:11-14 the blood was also used for protection to be sprinkled on the atonement cover this is what the high priest did like Aaron who was the first one when he was appointed. This was done so that he would not die and would be predicted to be able to come near the ark, Eph 1:7 ,
I would encourage you to reread of the passages you have listed from the Bible. No passage says we can do anything with Jesus’ blood.
It is interesting that the commenter did not realize that at least one of the verses they mentioned said the exact opposite in Revelation 12:11, that there would not be protection from death, though the Sheep would triumph over Satan as they enter into eternal life.
Rev. 11 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
That is a helpful observation–one I actually hadn’t made myself! Thanks for pointing that out.
Hebrews 10: …you make common the blood of Jesus and insult the Spirit of Grace. We don’t apply the blood, we plead the blood 🩸 in our defense, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony…
Thank you for your teaching , but l wish God would afford us a chance to meet face to face so that we would really prove if applying the blood of Jesus works . I am one of those that apply it , and believe me it works. +27844114912 is my Whatsapp number , if you want get in touch with me .
I don’t believe that whether something “works” is the determining factor in deciding whether or not we should do something. As I stated above, I believe God is gracious enough to respond to prayers that have theological challenges. For example, someone can pray to “Father, Lord, Jesus,” without recognizing that Jesus and the Father are distinct persons, and I’m sure God is still willing to hear their prayers.
So many varying thoughts on this article.. Ask yourselves- According to the Bible what was/is the purpose of the blood of Jesus Christ?
Thank you!
This was a real surprise. Didn’t expect it from the Pentecostal/Charismatic stream.
I understand the metaphorical understanding of “blood” re the new covenant etc. What you comment on the catholic church teaching of the “Real Presence” in the Body and Blood of Jesus?
Thank you! It’s encouraging to read an article from someone who challenges Word of Faith and NAR teachings.
YOU’RE PARTLY WRONG. The Book of Revelation clearly said, “They overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they do not love their lives even to death.” That said, I don’t believe it is fitting to plead the blood of Christ over my pets. Jesus died for humans. And I confess and/or proclaim everything His blood does, His wounds and everything else written in the bible. There are so many places where the blood of Christ can be applied over one’s life. Apply simply means believing what the written says about what the blood (but also the death, the burial, the resurrection, etc.) has done for us.
1 Peter 1:2
“according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.”
Oh Amen Brother ! ❤️
Brother Andrew, You are blessed! I am one of those who has been pleading the blood of Jesus allover the place in prayers ever since I was born again in 1995. I had never read or bothered by it as being unscriptural.. On 22nd July 2024, as I was waking up in the morning, I heard a question in my spirit: Is pleading Jesus blood Scriptural? Did Jesus disciples and apostles use the blood in their prayers that did all sorts of miracles?
I was so very surprised by this revelation! I started asking brothers and sisters in Christ about this subject, challenging them to go to the Bible.
I started searching online, and I thank God for leading me to write ups like this one of yours. To God be all the glory.
Thank you for such a Biblically sound teaching on this topic, it was very refreshing. Those who are fighting against it are doing so emotionally. I see no scriptures being quoted by them. To say Jesus had no human blood…we need to read our Bible and ask God to show us His truth. I for one am so tired of people declaring, decreeing and covering everything in the blood of Jesus (and not forgetting how they say it “the bllloo-oooo-oood of Jeee-susssss”. People outside the faith see this and recognize it as hogwash. Lets be real people, people who follow the Lord in truth.
false teachings? the way you present your claim seems offensive and immature
blood is currency in the spiritual realm. anytime ive had any kind of demon manifest in my surrounding or had any kind of demonic attack the second i said “i plead the blood of Jesus in this environment” it left automatically. I learned this by accident and still dont know how and why it works. But blood does have currency value and Jesus’s blood is the most valuable. I love Jesus.
I think that is what we call God’s Grace my friend. I have prayed for so many foolish things in my past and glad God ignored them, otherwise I would have lived a miserable life.
Nowhere in Scripture are we told specifically to say “I plead the blood of Jesus in this environment.”
If that demonic presence disappeared, it was because God favoured you and heard your hearts plea. He understood your situation and demanded that presence “Leave!”
His Blood was spilt out for you and me, so you are 100% correct my friend, there can never be a value placed on His sacrifice for us, it is Priceless. You can claim His blood on your life by virtue of The Cross, that’s true.
In those situations, I might pray “I am a blood bought (through Christ Jesus on the Cross who died for me) and you … whatever you are … I don’t need to know … I am commanding you to leave by the authority given to me in the Name above all Names. Now go!”
I recall just after giving my life to The Lord, a horrible dark presence floating over my bed. I don’t have an overly active imagination … but I sensed it there. I knew it was demonic and I was scared and din’t know what to do. Not knowing how to react, I remembered hearing from folks at Church say, “Standing on the Word.”
As silly as it sounds, I thought, “Well if people can stand on the word, I can sleep on it” and I slipped out of my bed really, really quickly and back in twice as fast. I put the Bible under my head and asked God to protect me.
Sure enough, that ugly presence departed. Not because I “Slept on the Word” but because The Lord in His Grace and Love, interpreted my prayer and delivered me.
My point is, if it’s un-Biblical, find Biblical alternatives. If we don’t need to say it, why say it. In my post, I include a couple of alternatives. 🙂
Andrew what are you trying to accomplish here? I don’t get it. Are we getting to the point where its not right to be healed on Sunday too? Should our love be like rain clouds that give no rain? How does this build up the church in faith? Should I really make no appeal to the blood of Jesus? Is it actually doing harm? Should I really regard complaints about applying/pleading the blood of Jesus? Or are you simplish fishing for comments on your blog? This doesn’t seem right man.
If you don’t get it my friend, why are you responding? He is not pushing ‘legalism’ or ‘faith by works’ Andrew has simply … very simply unravelled something many believers do which don’t need doing … Pleading the blood.
What do you think your prayers achieve by including this, that God would not respond simply by asking, “Lord Jesus, please heal this person” “Lord I stand against satan as your Holy Word says and I ask that you Protect and Save …”
It builds up the Church because we learn how to and how not to pray. We learn what is redundant and what is effective.
He isn’t complaining about the use of pleading the Blood. He is doing the work of a Teacher … and instructing us how to divide the word correctly. And rather than fight against Teachers, I have learned to admire their work and be humble … they’re sharing things I as a Bible student need to know.
If they are wrong, a few moments of study will prove their work my friend.
I used to plead the blood, until I realised it just isn’t Scripture. So I guess my friend, the question ought to be, why pray something un-Biblical and hope God interprets it.
Why would I speak gibberish in MacDonalds (not that I would ever step inside one) and hope that the server understands my order?
If something is not required, and no-one in the Bible did it, the next question would be, why would you do it?
It may not work for you, but it definitely does work for others. I most certainly do not agree with you making such a bold assumption. Why are Christians always contradicting?
There is no bold assertion Charmaine, he literally takes the idea apart, brings it alongside Scripture and proves it is un-Biblical. If you can find an example of any of the disciples or Paul pleading the blood of Jesus in a situation, then we could go from there.
He is not contradicting, he is doing the work of a Teacher. He is correcting and edifying.
I don’t see the problem. I used to ‘plead the blood of Jesus’ and having searched for examples in Scripture and found none, I stopped. There are so many Biblical examples of praying for protection or coming against the work of Satan, that I prefer to use them.
Please see my post.
You say, “Why are Christians always contradicting” and then you contradict Andrew??
just saying 😉
Healing is an oppression of the devil and if we overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb, can we not conclude my dear theologian that we can use the blood as a token to undo any oppression of the devil? Many have pleaded the blood on demonic oppression since William Seymour introduced that mystery to the church and there have been amazing testimonies of healing and deliverance. If pleading the blood is wrong explain the results that testify of its veracity.
The problem with theologians like you taught in seminaries is that you take the bible literary whereas the power of God is in the mysteries embedded in the written word. There is not much you can get from the bible when you look at it from the literary perspective only. The bible is a book of divine codes
Godwin, my brother, as my post states, there are better and Biblical ways to respond. If I pray against the works of the devil, do you think he doesn’t know who I am and in whose Name and by whose power I pray?
Andrews problem is that he takes the Bible literally?
Now that statement tells me more about how you approach Scripture than Andrew does. You counter a Literal Exposition of The Word with ‘mysteries embedded in the word.’ My friend, that sounds 100% gnostic to me.
Am I wrong, or are you saying that, God’s Holy Scripture, Inspired by His Spirit is LESS THAN some ‘divine codes’ hidden from the plain reading of God’s Holy Word … which only some people know? I don’t know where to go from there … all I know is that Jesus never instructed His Disciples to discover hidden messages and neither did Paul, Peter, James nor John.
This site is for exposition of The Word Our Great God. Why would you visit here if His Word was not something you wanted to learn from? Why not visit some of the Gnostic sites that would agree with you and your codes?
There is nothing unbiblical about pleading the blood of Jesus. To step into your authority as a Christian YOU do have power and authority given to you by the Holy Spirit. What am I missing here? There is a very real spiritual battle taking place. The blood of Jesus stops many spiritually warfare things. To say that pleading the blood of Jesus is trying to take sovereignty over God baffles my mind. Pleading the blood of Jesus recognizes the power and authority given in christs blood and being obedient to God the father in our duties. What am I missing here?????
I think you are missing everything Andrew wrote about in detail my friend. Whilst you are free to plead the blood of Jesus, and I’m sure The Lord will interpret your heart – why not pray specifically. There is nothing Biblical about pleading the blood of Christ – nothing. Whilst the Spirit gives us power and authority, it is not to plead the blood. Just praying plain and simple does exactly the same. “Lord Jesus I ask you to …” What is hard there?
My prayer already assumes Jesus power and Authority, otherwise I wouldn’t be seeking Him to intercede.
As I have suggested above your post, why not pray something that is without doubt Biblical, or, re-reading Andrew’s piece and his responses? Pleading the Blood of Christ is redundant.
He has already given us the Power and Authority (Matthew 28 and Acts 2) That is what Andrew is trying to convey.
Andrew, having read your comprehensive piece her and most of the comments, I have to conclude that:
A: Some people got so hot headed they didn’t read past the headline and remain un-informed.
B: Some people are so ingrained in what they have been taught (and is now their personal doctrine) that they cannot accept a fulsome explanation to the contrary.
C: Some people have just not read your responses to posts.
D: Some people will not change their prayers because they think they are right and your clear gracious and distinct explanation is un-Biblical.
As a charismatic, I used to use this ‘pleading’ until I learned that it wasn’t Biblical. I had to humble myself before God, apologise for meaning well but applying something un-Biblical. What is so hard about that? It was only my pride that took a knock, and rightly so.
I didn’t get angry, frustrated or speak unpleasantly to the person I discovered this from.
If we desire protection, why not apply the Aaronic Prayer (which I am studying more fully at the moment) because it covers what we desire and has been commanded by The LORD?
“Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:
Yahweh bless you, and keep [guard or protect] you;
Yahweh make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
Yahweh lift up His face on you,
And give you peace.’
So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them.”
And if we desire protection from demonic forces then why not obey Paul when he said:
“Put on the full armour of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil …. etc” Ephesians 6:10
And James when he wrote
“Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
Just these 3 simple but effective SCRIPTURES cover our Protection, our families and friends, provides us with the source of our Peace and certain knowledge that God will hear us.
With regard to spiritual matters, Paul and James have those wrapped up. We stand in a DEFENSIVE mode (not aggressive, as some of these posts have been written) in the whole armour which GOD HAS ALREADY PROVIDED AND if we RESIST (subordinate, submitted and under obedience to God) the devil (because we are under God’s tutor ledge as a disciple) … will FLEE or literally “Urgently escape”.
That’s all the areas that we would ‘plead the blood’ on … dealt with BIBLICALLY.
Covered in something God has Provided and then stand! It’s plain as day in Holy Scripture.
What is so difficult for us to grasp here?
Andrew, if there is something wrong with me, I need a Doctor who has diagnosed the problem AND has treatment. I don’t need to present my own ideas and thoughts to him. I don’t need to inform him that my Great Aunt Nelly used to use a herb. It would be supercilious to attack the Doctor because of his correct diagnosis and treatment. I would follow his instructions = obey.
We NEED Teachers who are willing to teach the whole counsel of God, regardless of whose feelings might be hurt.
Teachers are:
“for the equipping of the saints for the work of service,
to the building up of the body of Christ,
until we all attain to the unity of the faith,
and of the full knowledge of the Son of God,
to a mature man,
to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ,
so that we are no longer to be children,
tossed here and there by waves and carried about by EVERY WIND OF DOCTRINE,
by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming.” Ephesian 4:12
I for one found your piece very interesting Andrew and well thought out, without creating heat. That heat was supplied by ‘frictious’ people. So from every Bible Lover, and student/disciple of Jesus, thank you.