Psalms for Divine Protection from COVID-19

Psalms COVIDI have posted on this topic on Horizon’s web page. See here: 

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Andrew K. Gabriel, Ph.D., is the author of Simply Spirit-Filled: Experiencing God in the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit as well as three academic books, including The Lord is the Spirit. He is a theology professor at Horizon College and Seminary and serves on the Theological Study Commission for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. You can follow him on Facebook or on Twitter.

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9 thoughts on “Psalms for Divine Protection from COVID-19

  1. Barbara Reale says:

    You are so wise….

  2. Jack Brooks says:

    I struggled with someone who tried to teach that if someone was sick it was because they were under the curse of the Law for some sin.I observed a deliberate ignoring of the total testimony of the rest of Scripture.

    • Andrew K. Gabriel says:

      Yes, good observation.

  3. James Linville says:

    Good read.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you brother for a more accurate interpretation of the Palms and there use, they are not meant for naming and claiming, or to measure ones faith. Praise God for those who will stand and declare the truth during this time. I have had Palm 91 thrown at me so much that it breaks my heart to see a lot of young Christians being led astray by that type of teaching and misuse.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I will continue to speak the word of God over me. I do not know it all but i know the Word of God has power and I choose to believe in said power. The word has power to bring down strongholds…does it not? Did not Jesus quite the Old Testament when defeating satan in the wilderness…Our knowledge is indeed limited, and I wouldn’t dare act as if my interpretation of scripture is a guide for all. I let the Holy Spirit interpret the scriptures and teach me. And if i feel led by said Holy Spirit to read and speak those scriptures over myself and others then I will. At the end of the day God’s will be done. At least I know that by dwelling in His shadow I am trusting Him with the outcome—all things work together for the good of those who love God..doesn’t always mean healing—we live in a sinful world. BUT I will not disregard the power in speaking God’s on words. Thank you and God bless.

  6. Alvonia McCoy says:

    Your teachings make God’s Word seem void of any power. Re covid, are Christians only hope is a quickly designed vaccine that no one is 100% sure of its longterm effects? Can we not depend on our salvation (soteria)
    for protection, healing, provision, AND eternal life.
    What we have in Christ is greater than anything you or I can imagine or think!! We will live the rest of our lives learning what we have in Christ as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ! Call me silly, but I truly believe Hebrew 4:12. Applying Ps 103, Ps 107:20, Roman’s 8:11, 2 Peter 2:24, and others has resulted on me walking in divine healing and health, without the assistance of medical doctors! I give God all the praise and all the Glory. I am just an ordinary 77 year old person who is crazy enough to Believe the promises
    found in the Bible! They have not failed me

    • Andrew K. Gabriel says:

      Hi Alvonia, Thanks for commenting. And I commend you for your faith and dedication to Christ!

      I do recognize that there are some promises from God in the Bible. However, my concern is when people sometimes actually abuse God’s word by taking verses out of context and saying that they are promises when they are actually not promises at all. I’ve written more about my concern here:

      Take care!

  7. Anonymous says:

    It is well within my soul.