PAOC / PAONL Credential Holders with Doctorates (or in progress)

I have been tasked with compiling a list of all PAOC / PAONL credential holders who are either in possession of or working toward a Doctorate in some area theology related (e.g., ministry, Bible, religion, history, sociology). This may include YOU! Please pass the link to this web page on to people that you know. If you have credentials from the PANOL, I would be glad to hear from you too.

I am looking for the following information (or whatever you are comfortable providing):

  • Name
  • Degree, institution, and convocation year (or in progress)
  • General area of study (e.g. NT, Systematic Theology)
  • Primary areas of expertise (e.g., Pneumatology, Reformation history)
  • Dissertation title
  • Current placement (e.g., church, school)
  • Contact information

You can either post your information below as a comment on this blog or e-mail me your information at agabriel(at) I would prefer that you NOT e-mail me your full CV. Rather, please just send me the information as listed above so I can easily copy and paste it into my database.


Again, please pass the link to this web page on to people that you know.

To get the party started, I will start off with my information below…

[originally posted M

* If you enter an email address, it will not be published. Please keep your comments kind and relevant to the post.
* Please keep your comments under 1500 characters (about 250 words).
* No links please, unless you are citing a source.

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49 thoughts on “PAOC / PAONL Credential Holders with Doctorates (or in progress)

  1. Andrew Gabriel says:

    Andrew Gabriel
    Ph.D., McMaster Divinity College, 2010.
    General area of study: Systematic Theology
    Primary areas of expertise: Pneumatology, Trinity, Attributes of God, Pentecostal Theology
    Dissertation title: A Pneumatological Vision of God: The Holy Spirit and Classical Theism’s Doctrine of the Divine Attributes.
    Assistant Prof Theology, Horizon College and Seminary

    • Peter D. Neumann says:

      Peter Neumann
      PhD (2010) University of St. Michael’s College
      General area: Theology
      Expertise: Pentecostal theology, Pneumatology, Soteriology, and other ologies. Some philosophy, including Phil of science.
      Diss title: Encountering the Spirit: Pentecostal Mediated Experience of God in Theological Context
      Academic Dean at Master’s College

    • William Racch says:

      William Raccah
      Ph.D, Laval University, 2002
      OT Ethics and Cultural Anthropology
      Widows at the Gate – Close Kin Relationships and Economical Dimensions in the Stipulation of the Law of the Levirate as Articulated in Deuteronomy 25.5-10
      University Laval and McGill University – 403-978-2525

    • William Raccah says:

      William Raccah
      PhD – Laval University – 2002
      Old Testament
      OT Ethics and Cultural Anthropology
      Widows at the Gate – Close Kin Relationships and Economical Dimensions in the Stipulation of the Law of the Levirate as Articulated in Deuteronomy 25.5-10
      Laval University and McGill University – 403-978-2525 (cell)

    • Anonymous says:

      Geoff Butler
      Ph.D. (Cand.), Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
      Area of Study: Systematic and Historical Theology
      Areas of Expertise: John Calvin, Reformation Theology, Pentecostal Studies, Pneumatology
      Dissertation: A Pentecostal Engagement with John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper
      Pastor, Calvary Pentecostal Church, St. Lunaire-Griquet, NL

  2. Adam Stewart says:

    Adam Stewart
    PhD, University of Waterloo, 2012
    General area of study: Religious Studies
    Primary areas of expertise: Sociology of Religion; Qualitative Research Methodology; Congregational Studies; Religious Diversity in North America; Canadian Pentecostalism; History of Christianity.
    Dissertation title: Quenching the Spirit: The Transformation of Religious Identity and Experience in Three Canadian Pentecostal Churches.

    • James Richards says:

      – James Richards
      – D. Min.- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School- 1989
      – Communications
      – Application of Homileticsal Techniques for Church Small Groups
      – Pentecostal Financial Services Group, Executive Director

  3. Richard Burton says:

    Richard Burton
    D.Min Fuller School of Theology
    General Area of Study: Practical Theology
    Areas of Expertise: Christology, Pneumatology
    Dissertation: An Ecclesiology for Effective Ministry at Calvary Pentecostal Church in the Twenty First Century

  4. Randall Holm says:

    Randall Holm
    PhD Laval University, 1996
    General area of study: Theology
    areas of expertise: Biblical Theology, Canadian Pentecostalism, Judaic Studies, New Testament
    Dissertation: A Paradigmatic Analysis of Authority Within Pentecostalism
    Currently Teaching: Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Providence University College

  5. Bradley Truman Noel says:

    Bradley Truman Noel
    ThD University of South Africa, 2008
    DMin Acadia University, c2014
    General Area of Study: Practical Theology
    Areas of Expertise: Pneumatology, Hermeneutics, Postmodernity, Youth Culture
    Dissertation: Pentecostal and Postmodern Hermeneutics – Comparison and Contemporary Impact

  6. Jeromey Martini says:

    Jeromey Martini
    PhD, University of Edinburgh
    General Area of Study: New Testament and Christian Origins
    Areas of Expertise: Paul, Second Temple Judaism
    Dissertation: “Anthropology, Eschatology, and Ethics in 1 Corinthians”

  7. Jonathan Bersot says:

    Jonathan Bersot
    PhD Candidate, University of Montreal (should be finished in 2013)
    General area of study: Bible Studies
    Areas of Expertise: Exegesis, New Testament, Luke and Acts, Narrative Criticism
    Dissertation: The characterization of «Jesus the Living one» in the narrative of Acts

  8. Shane Simms says:

    Shane Simms
    Pentecostal Assembies of Newfoundland and Labrador
    D.Min–Tyndale University College and Seminary, 2012
    General Area of Study: Christian Leadership
    Areas of Expertise: Missional Church Models, Missiology, Family Systems Theory, Congregational Studies.
    Dissertation: Moving Forward in Mission-Introducing Missional Life to a Rural Newfoundland and Labrador Pentecostal Church Through Shared Narratives and Missional Experiments

  9. Allison MacGregor says:

    Allison S. MacGregor
    PhD (in progress), Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, 2016/17
    General Area of Study: Systematic Theology
    Areas of Expertise: Pentecostal Theology, Pneumatology, Pentecostal History, Pentecostal Dialogue

  10. Andrew Gabriel says:

    Thank you to everyone who has responded here or by e-mail. I extend an open invitation to others to continue to respond as people come across this page.

    • Van Johnson says:

      Van Johnson
      ThD, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
      Thesis: The Development of Sheol
      Expertise: NT Studies, Second Temple Judaism, Pentecostalism
      Position: Dean, Master’s Pentecostal Seminary, Toronto; Pastor, Agincourt Pentecostal Church; Adjunct in NT, Tyndale Seminary

  11. Josh Samuel says:

    Josh Samuel
    PhD (Candidate), McMaster Divinity College (hoping to graduate in 2013)
    General Area of Study: Theology
    Primary Areas of Expertise: Pentecostal history and theology; the Great Awakenings, Worship, Homiletics,
    Dissertation focus: Pentecostal theology of worship

  12. Jeff Beck says:

    Jeff Beck
    DMin, 2002 from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Trinity International University)
    General area of study: Practical Theology
    Primary areas of expertise: OT and Spiritual Gifts
    Current placement: Lead Pastor, Delta Church (Delta, B.C.)
    Contact information:

  13. Wilf Hildebrandt says:

    Name: Wilf Hildebrandt
    Degree: D.Th., University of South Africa, 2004
    General area of study (OT Theology)
    Primary areas of expertise (Missiology; OT Theology; NT)
    Dissertation title: The Cessation of Prophecy in the Old Testament
    Current placement: Dean of Education, Summit Pacific College
    Contact information:

  14. Dave Demchuk says:

    Dave Demchuk
    D.Min Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
    Dissertation – The Design and Implementation of a Volunteer Ministry Program
    Primary Areas of Expertise/Teaching – Leadership, Practical Theology, Pauline Pneumatology, NT Greek, Pentecostal History.
    President, Summit Pacific College

  15. Doc Coats says:

    Charles A. Coats
    D.Min Northwest Graduate School/Ministry
    Dissertation: Jesus Before His Birth and After His Death
    Expertise: Apologetics, Systematic Theology, Hermeneutics
    Teaching Experience: Northwest College/University, Seattle; AGTS; Summit Pacific College

  16. David Milley says:

    David B. Milley
    Pentecostal Assemblies Of Newfoundland And Labrador
    D.Min Providence Theological Seminary
    Dissertation: A Study Of The Pentecostal Assemblies Of Newfoundland’s Message Of seperation
    General Area Of Study: Church Leadership

  17. Andrew Gabriel says:

    Gibson, Graham
    PhD (in progress), Wilfrid Laurier University, hopefully by Fall 2012
    General area of study: Religious Studies, Religion & Culture
    Primary areas of expertise: Anthropology of Religion, World & Folk Religions, Aboriginal Religions, Cross-Cultural Studies, Evangelism, Missions, Ethics
    Dissertation title: Dancing in the Fire: Aboriginal Pentecostalism in Northern Ontario and Manitoba Camp Meetings
    Current placement: Full-Time Faculty, Master’s College & Seminary
    Contact information:

  18. Andrew Gabriel says:

    Wilf Hildebrandt (Dean at Summit Pacific College) asked me to post information on an opening they have for the position of “Biblical Theology Director.” See this link:

  19. David Courey says:

    Name: David Courey
    Degree: Ph.D. McMaster Divinity College, 2011
    General Area of Study: Theology
    Primary Areas: Luther Studies, 19th Century North American Religious History, Pentecostal Theology
    Dissertation title: What Has Wittenberg to Do with Azusa? : Luther’s Theology of The Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism
    Current placement: Pastor, Calvary Pentecostal Assembly, Cambridge, ON
    Contact information:

  20. John A. Bertone says:

    Name:John A. Bertone
    Degree: Ph.D., University of St. Michael’s College (University of Toronto)
    General Area of Study: New Testament, New Testamet Theology
    Primary Areas: Pauline Literature- Pneumatology, Law, Hermeneutics
    Dissertation Title: “The Law of the Spirit”: The Experience of the Spirit and Displacement of the Law in Romans 8:1-16 (Published with Peter Lang)
    Contact Information:

    • Anonymous says:

      Contact information changed.

  21. Stephen James Laing says:

    D.Min through Trinity Western University
    General area of study: Church Ministry
    Theme of dissertation: Intimacy in Pentecostal worship
    Currently English Ministries pastor Calgary Chinese Pentecostal Church

  22. Gerry Tonn says:

    I am Gerry Tonn lead pastor of Cedarview Church in Paris Ontario. In 2015 I completed my Doctor of Ministry Degree in Leadership from Tyndale College and Seminary. The theme of my dissertation was Using Appreciative Inquiry and Focused Sermons to Move Congregational Members of Cedarview Church in Paris Ontario to Develop Friendships with
    Non-Christian Neighbour.
    Gerry Tonn

    • Andrew Gabriel says:

      Congratulations on completing your program!

      • Gerry Tonn says:

        Thanks so much

  23. Dale Sanger says:

    Dale Sanger
    DPT, McMaster Divinity College (Starting Winter 2019)
    Practical Theology with an Emphasis on the Small Church in the Canadian Context
    Lead Pastor, New Life Assembly Belle River, On

    Was supposed to begin this term but had to delay it one term

  24. Stephen Barkley says:

    Stephen Barkley
    DPT, McMaster Divinity College, in progress
    General area of study: Practical Theology
    Primary areas of expertise: Charismatic Prophecy, Pentecostalism
    Dissertation title in progress
    Lead Pastor at Wellington St. Pentecostal Church, Bracebridge
    Adjunct Instructor (online) at Master’s College & Seminary

  25. Anonymous says:

    Name: Chris Padiath
    Doctor of Educational Ministry in Christian Worship from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
    Areas of expertise: Christian worship, ethnodoxology and multi-ethnic church
    Dissertation title: Reconciled in Christ: An Intertextual Biblical Model for Ethnodoxology Practice in Local Church Ministry
    Current placement: Lead Pastor at Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly. Adjunct Faculty at Master’s College & Seminary.
    Contact information:

  26. David Long says:

    Name: David Long
    Degree: DPT (in progress)
    institution: McMaster Divinity
    General area of study: Practical Theology
    Primary areas of expertise: Pentecostal Sacramentality, Pentecostal Theology
    Dissertation title: Pentecostal Sacramentality and the practice of Holy Communion.
    Current placement: Calvary North Bay (cpt)
    Contact information:

  27. David Fortune says:

    Name: David Fortune
    Degree, D.Min. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – 2004
    General area of study – Leadership Studies
    Primary areas of expertise Small Group Ministry / Missions
    Dissertation title – Small Groups in PAOC churches
    Current placement (e.g., church, school): GW – Pastor – Crossroads Basel, Switzerland
    Contact information

  28. Brent Gibson says:

    Brent Gibson
    D.W.S. The Robert E Webber Institute For Worship Studies, Jacksonville, FL. USA, 2009
    Worship Studies (Biblical, Historical, and Practical Theology)
    Biblical Theology of Worship, Pentecostal Worship, Music, and Music/Sound Production Technology
    Designing and Implementing Pentecostal Worship Gatherings in Today’s Emerging Canadian Context
    Program Director for:
    Music Leadership
    Sound Production and Media
    Summit Pacific College

  29. Paul Franks says:

    W. Paul Franks
    Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2012.
    General area of study: Philosophy
    Primary areas of expertise: Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Christian Apologetics
    Dissertation title: A Rational Problem of Evil: The Coherence of Christian Theism and the Free Will Defense
    Associate Professor of Philosophy, Tyndale University

  30. Gerry says:

    Gerald Michalski
    D. Min. Providence Theological Seminary 2005
    General Area of Study: Leadership/Pastoral Theology
    Dissertation Title: Rethinking Church for Emerging Generations
    Lead Pastor Soul Sanctuary Winnipeg

  31. Jordan Wood says:

    In progress, DMin Leadership, Tyndale 2023.

  32. Dale Sanger says:

    Dale Sanger
    Doctor of Practical Theology, McMaster Divinity (Dissertation stated)
    Spirituality of the Small Church Pastor
    Church History, Spirituality, Pentecostal Theology, Pastoral Theology
    Pastor at New Life Assembly (Belle River, ON), Adjunct Faculty at Bridges Christian College (New Orleans, LA – Church History, Fundamentals of Speech, Pastoral Theology)

  33. James Kelly says:

    James Kelly
    D. Min.
    Knox Theological Seminary, 2018
    Theological Exegesis
    Biblical Theology, Pneumatology,
    Rebuilding the Walls, Confronting and Restoring Sin Damaged Saints.
    Global Worker awaiting departure for the field.

  34. David Kentie says:

    David Kentie
    Ph.D., Bangor University, (in-process).
    General area of study: Systematic Theology
    Primary areas of expertise: Eschatology, Ecclesiology, Pneumatology, Pentecostal Theology
    Dissertation topic: The Historical and Theological Development of Canadian Pentecostal Eschatology
    Part-time lecturer, Tyndale University

  35. Carmen Kampman says:

    Name: Carmen Kampman
    DMin Leadership & Spiritual Formation, Portland Seminary at George Fox University in Portland, Oregon. In progress.
    General area of study: Leadership & Spiritual Formation
    Primary Areas of Expertise: Leadership Foundations & Spiritual Formation
    Project Focus: Licensed Minister to Ordained Minister Training Template
    Spiritual Care Practitioner (Hospice); Associate Pastor (Church)
    Contact information:

  36. Anonymous says:

    Jamie Stewart
    DIS (intercultural studies), Fuller Theological Seminary, 2017
    General area of study: Practical Theology/Missions
    Dissertation: The Effect of Globalization on the Church: Achieving Unity in the Midst of Diversity
    Current Placement: Life Church (AG), Kissimmee Florida; Adjunct Faculty – Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL
    407.747.6891 (cell)

  37. Andrew K. Gabriel says:

    Thank you again to everyone who has responded here or by e-mail. I extend an open invitation to others to continue to respond as people come across this page.

  38. MARLENE MARTIN says:

    Marlene Lorraine Martin

    South Africa

    Masters Degree Link
    Christian Ethics

    Doctorate Degree Link
    Spirituality, medical science and health

  39. Aaron M. Ross says:

    Aaron M. Ross
    PhD (2019), University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto (Wycliffe College)
    General area: Theology, concentration in the History of Christianity
    Primary area of expertise: The history of Christian mission among Indigenous People in what is now called Canada.
    Dissertation title: “The Heavens Have Become a Highway:” The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Northland Mission and the Indigenous Principle”
    Current placement: Lead Pastor, Richmond Pentecostal Church, Richmond BC
    Contact information: aaron(at)

  40. Anonymous says:

    Geoff Butler
    Ph.D. (Cand.), Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
    Area of Study: Systematic and Historical Theology
    Areas of Expertise: John Calvin, Reformation Theology, Pentecostal Studies, Pneumatology
    Dissertation: A Pentecostal Engagement with John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper
    Pastor, Calvary Pentecostal Church, St. Lunaire-Griquet, NL